From doorstop to treasure: the million-euro amber piece that an elderly Romanian woman didn’t know about

In Rumaniaan elderly woman used a very valuable piece of amber as a simple doorstop for years. The piece, which weighed 3.5 kilograms and was valued at one million euros, was found by the woman in a stream near her home in the village of Colti.

Ella He thought it was just a big stone. and used it to prop open the door to his house. No one, not even the jewel thieves who broke into his house, realised its true value, according to El País.

After the old woman’s death, A relative checked the object and concluded that it could be a very rare and valuable amber. Realizing its possible importance, sold it to the Romanian State which then confirmed as a national treasure.

The amber was sent to Poland for study, where experts from the Museum of History in Krakow confirmed that it is between 38.5 and 70 million years.

Its discovery represents a great significance both at a scientific level and at a museum level.“, Daniel Costache, director of the Provincial Museum of Buzau, explained to the media.

The expert says that this piece is one of the largest in the world and is considered to be of great scientific and historical importance.

On the other hand, family members revealed that during a robbery at the old lady’s house, the thieves only took some worthless gold jewelry and left the amber piece intact.In his frantic search for valuables, They overlooked the real treasure that the house held before their eyes”, they commented.

The Spanish media reports that Romania is known for its amber deposits, and the Buzau region is especially rich in these precious stones.

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