Beyond human limits: how deep can submarines dive?

Los submarines They are capable of diving to great depths, but what is their real limit? Although they have managed to descend to impressive levels, we have not yet reached the full depth of the ocean.

According to Xataka, the deepest point in the ocean is the Mariana Trench, which is located at about 11,034 meters below the sea surface. Until now, the greatest depth reached by a human being is 10,925 meters.

How deep has a human been in the ocean?

According to the outlet, the historic feat took place on January 23, 1960, when Lieutenant Don Walsh and oceanographer Jacques Piccard descended into the depths of the Challenger Abyssin the Mariana Trench in the Pacific Ocean. Despite the challenges and risks, this dive achieved a depth of 10,916 meters and set a record that stood for decades.

However, in 2019the American Victor Vescovo surpassed this record by reaching a depth of 10,925 meters with the DSV Limiting Factor submarine, setting a new record.

While these achievements are impressive, current military submarines typically operate at depths of around 600 meters. Some advanced nuclear submarines can reach 900 meters or even deeper, but they are still far from reaching the full depth of the ocean.

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