Nanomaterial created by Mexican student to fight radiation will be tested in space

Nanomaterial created by Mexican student to fight radiation will be tested in space

Guadalajara, Jal., A nanotechnology engineering student at the University of Guadalajara (UdeG) will launch a project into orbit early next year to test a nanomaterial that could be used as a shield against radiation in space, covering spacesuits and ships.

The innovation was developed by José Armando Becerra Hernández, a student at the UdeG Tonalá campus, who last November presented the project to NASA at a camp run by the American agency, with which he obtained third place.

The project also seemed promising to researchers at his university, who supported the student, allowing him to consolidate the polymer-based material that in theory will prevent the effects of alpha, beta, gamma or ultraviolet radiation outside the Earth’s atmosphere.

These materials are being studied a lot because there is the problem that when an astronaut goes out to the International Space Station, or perhaps during a trip to the Moon, there is no longer an atmosphere or magnetic field to protect him from the radiation of the sun or outer space.he explained.

He said that one of the most common problems in space travel is the lack of light and efficient materials that retain the greatest amount of radiation.

Institutional support

The UdeG offered me its infrastructure and materials and the advice of doctors and the team. At the beginning of 2024 I began to develop the material and contact a space agency that will be in charge of taking the nanomaterial into space.he added.

The material will be in orbit for about six months and, once it returns to Earth, the damage caused by radiation will be analyzed and its resistance to the environment outside the protection of the atmosphere will be evaluated.

Juan Miguel García Ávalos, responsible for Scientific and Technological Transfer at CU Tonalá, commented that it is a material that has with potential for patenting and if the result is positive, the intention is to obtain intellectual property rights.

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