Two new species of predatory stink bugs discovered in Vietnam

Scientists from the Institute of Ecology and Biological Resources have discovered two new species of predatory stink bugs for science based on gene sequencing technology and morphological analysis.

Two new species include: Sycanus thuathienhuensis Truong & Ha discovered in Thua Thien Hue, Quang Nam, Gia Lai, Dak Lak and Sycanus taynguyenensis Truong & Ha discovered in Dak Lak. The research was conducted within the framework of the project, supported by the National Foundation for Science and Technology Development (NAFOSTED), and has just been published in the journal Zootaxa.

Scientists discovered the new species based on collected specimens, using morphological comparative analysis and phylogenetic analysis based on COI gene sequences.

According to the research team of Sycanus thuathienhuensis Truong & Ha, the body is red; the collarbone is dark brown; the male pygophore is yellow-brown with the middle abdomen being dark brown or black-brown.

Species Sycanus thuathienhuensis Truong & Ha. Photo: Research Group

The species Sycanus taynguyenensis Truong & Ha has a large, light orange-brown body; a long, almost black head with a yellow-brown effusion on the outer surface of the eye; a black-brown base of scales, alternating yellow-brown and black-brown scales.

Species Sycanus taynguyenensis Truong & Ha. Photo: Research Group

According to Vast, the discovery of scientists from the Institute of Ecology and Biological Resources is very important for assessing Vietnam’s biodiversity potential, especially the potential for applying predatory stink bugs in controlling pests in agriculture and forestry.

The genus Sycanus Amyot & Serville, 1843 has 72 species, distributed in Africa and Asia. Among them, 8 species, Sycanus atrocoeruleus Signoret, 1862, S. bifidus (Fabricius, 1787), S. croceus Hsiao, 1979, S. falli Stål, 1863, S. minor Hsiao, 1979, S. rubricatus Stål, 1874, S. sichuanensis Hsiao, 1979, and S. ventralis Distant, 1919 have been described and recorded in Vietnam.

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