This was Steve Jobs’ first resume, at 18 years old and with no work experience

Creating a resume can be a challenge, although today artificial intelligence can simplify the process. However, figures like Steve Jobs They didn’t have that luxury in their early days. Despite the difficulties, Jobs managed to launch himself into the professional world with a CV that already showed his potential and passion for technology.

We all know the famous story of Steve Jobs in his garage, where he began to bring the Apple 1 to life. However, before becoming the founder of Apple, Jobs also tried to find work in other companies. At the age of 18, Jobs completed his first resume with the few details he had to offer.

As noted in a post by X, it is a fairly straightforward document. Written in good handwriting, it already showed his interest in engineering and design. Jobs was known for being unconventional, something that is reflected in the resume. Also, the work experience section is blank, and he did not include a phone number.

The most interesting part of the CV is the “Special Skills” section, where he mentioned his knowledge of computers and calculators, as well as his interest in electronic design and engineering.

A contrast with Bill Gates

In the same X post, Jobs’ CV was compared to Bill Gates’, both at age 18. The difference is clear. While Jobs’ CV was simpler and more general, Gates’ already showed a detailed list of technical skills. Gates’ CV, typed, presented a more formal and methodical approach, with experience in programming languages ​​such as FORTRAN and COBOL.

Both geniuses, with such different styles, show us that there is no single path to success.

By Editor

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