The time Google mistakenly credited an engineer 0,000 and ignored him when he wanted to return it

Engineer Sam Curry received an unexpected notification: Google had mistakenly deposited $250,000 into his bank account. Although anyone would have dreamed of having that money, Curry knew it didn’t belong to him and wanted to return it. However, Google wouldn’t respond.

Curry, who is dedicated to finding security flaws At big companies like Google, he didn’t expect to receive that amount without any explanation. So, he decided to do the right thing and try to return it, but it was Impossible to communicate with the company.

After several failed attempts, Curry decided to share her story on Twitter (now called X), where he posted a screenshot of the deposit and tagged Google. The post It went viraland only then did Google contact him to resolve the issue.

Curry was eventually able to return the money. Google has not provided any explanation, but it is believed to have been a simple human error.

By Editor

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