Graduates of Unit 8200 developed new ways to fight anti-Semitism

In an era where social networks have become a central battlefield against hate and racism, the 8200 alumni association and the Generative AI for Good company are leading a groundbreaking initiative that will be launched at the Hack the Hate conference, and its goal is to mark a turning point in the fight against online anti-Semitism, by harnessing technological tools.

At the conference, which will be held tomorrow at Microsoft Reactor in Tel Aviv, the technological father for developers, start-up companies, entrepreneurs, investors, diplomats, government ministries, civil society organizations and leading companies in the economy will gather.

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Among the speakers at the conference will be Eran Yariv – Head of the AI ​​Group at Microsoft Israel Research and Development, Avi Cohen Skelley – Director General of the Ministry of Diaspora andCarol Noriel – The CEO of the Anti-Defamation League in Israel. Among the partners of the conference are leading companies and organizations such as Microsoft, the Anti-Defamation League, the Ministry of Diaspora, the World Zionist Organization, the Jewish Federation of New York, Gesher Association, 9500 Group and Bank Hapoalim.

“Israeli high-tech is one of the five leading technological fathers in the world, with impressive capabilities and elite human capital. That’s why we aim to encourage this strong industry to harness technology to produce solutions to provide an effective response to the phenomenon,” says Chen Shmilo CEO of the 8200 Alumni Association and one of the initiators of the conference.

“Examples of such technology are AI systems for identifying and classifying anti-Semitic content in real time, platforms for monitoring and alerting on the spread of hate theories, interactive educational tools for raising awareness and fighting prejudice, and systems for identifying and tracking distribution networks of hateful and inciting content.”

Shiran Melamedovsky reliant CEO and founder of the company Generative AI for Good, added: “We are facing an unprecedented global threat. Online anti-Semitism is not only a problem of the Jewish people, but a real danger to the foundations of democracy and Western society in the entire world. In the face of this global threat, Israeli technology can lead A revolution. Through international and cross-sector collaborations, we can develop solutions that will face the challenge at the global level. This is a critical opportunity and the order of the day.”

By Editor

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