Supermedia of polls returns. FI gains half a point, Avs above 7%

The Supermedia of polls is back and the month-and-a-half summer break does not seem to have brought about any significant changes in the political orientations of Italians: all the parties are essentially remaining in the order of magnitude recorded between the end of July and the beginning of August.

While the centre-right parties confirm a positive trend, there is a relative ‘suffering’ for the centrist/liberal parties, and also for the PD, to the benefit above all of Avs which records its highest figure ever (7.1%).

This, in detail, is the Supermedia Liste:

FDI 29,0% (+0,2%)
PD 23,0% (-0,1%)
M5S 11,4% (+0,1%)
Forza Italia 9.4% (+0.5%)
Lega 8,7 (+0,3%)
Greens/Left 7.1 (+0.7%)
Action 3.1 (-0.1%)
Italy Alive 2.2 (-0.1%)
+Europa 1,6 (-0,2%)
Peace Earth Dignity 1.1% (-0.2%)


And this is the super-average coalition 2022:
Center-right 47.9% (+0.9%)
Centre-left 31.7% (+0.4%)
M5S 11,4 (+0,1%)
Third Pole 5.3% (-0.2%)
Other 3.7 (-1.2%)


NB: the variations in brackets indicate the deviation from the Superaverage of six weeks ago (1 August 2024).


USE: The YouTrend/Agi Supermedia is a weighted average of national polls on voting intentions. Today’s weighting, which includes polls conducted from August 29 to September 11, was carried out on September 12 based on sample size, date of execution and data collection method.

By Editor

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