Resignation of EU Commissioner Thierry Breton

Thierry Breton resigns – and lashes out at Commission President Ursula von der Leyen. The rift also casts a shadow over the relationship between Brussels and Paris.

The news hit Brussels like a bombshell: French EU Commissioner Thierry Breton, one of the best-known and most controversial figures in the college, resigned with immediate effect on Monday morning – and immediately used the opportunity to launch an all-out attack on his boss, Commission President Ursula von der Leyen. In his letter of resignation, which Breton himself published on the X platform, he accused her, among other things, of “questionable conduct in office”.

The former Commissioner for Internal Market and Services had been France’s official candidate for an important post in von der Leyen’s body since the end of July. But that apparently did not suit the Commission President: According to Breton, she asked Paris a few days ago to please propose another candidate. In return, she offered the second-largest EU country a more important post – a real affront to Breton, who, according to his own statement, had not been personally informed.

Why is von der Leyen provoking such a scandal just days before she announces the composition of the new Commission? There is no official comment on the matter. For almost 45 minutes on Monday, journalists bombarded the Commission spokeswoman with questions – the only answer she received was the same platitudes: the formation of the Commission is a confidential matter and the content of Breton’s letter will not be commented on, they said.

Tensions have been high for some time

The rift between the two alpha animals did not come out of the blue: Breton has publicly disavowed von der Leyen several times, for example when he prevented the appointment of a representative for small and medium-sized businesses in the spring or when he reprimanded X boss Elon Musk on his own initiative in the summer. In disempowering Breton, von der Leyen also seems to be concerned about her authority, which has been tarnished compared to the beginning of her last term in office.

The gender aspect is also obvious: Von der Leyen took office with the announcement that she wanted to present a balanced college of commissioners. However, the capitals that appoint the candidates largely ignored the request. Did she therefore intervene in Paris – as she did in Romania and Slovenia – even though France is a far more important member state?

What speaks against this is that von der Leyen had actually exempted incumbents like Breton from the gender rule – and that Paris has now also ignored her wish for a female candidate in second reading. Just a few hours after Breton’s letter was published, French President Emmanuel Macron nominated acting Foreign Minister StĂ©phane SĂ©journĂ© for the Commission post in Brussels. As the former chairman of the liberal Renew group in the European Parliament, he is very familiar with the EU mechanics. In France, there is speculation as to whether the newly appointed Prime Minister Michel Barnier intends to give Breton a ministerial post.

EU treaties provide for a call for resignation

The last-minute change also sheds light on the relationship between Brussels and Paris, which has been one of the strongest drivers of European integration for years. The fact that the high-handed Commission President dares to act against the French candidate also testifies to Macron’s dwindling influence at the European level.

Formally, the French President would not have been able to object if von der Leyen had asked Breton to resign – the EU treaties provide for this possibility. However, it would have been beneficial for the Commission’s credibility if the separation had taken place earlier.

24 hours is a long time

The scandal is now symbolic of the Commission’s formation, which is under a bad star: In addition to the failure to achieve gender balance, the timetable could not be adhered to. The parliamentary hearings have not yet been scheduled, and it is even unclear when von der Leyen will finally be able to present her college.

The date has been announced for Tuesday, but domestic political disputes in Slovenia could delay the process once again. The Commission spokeswoman said succinctly on Monday afternoon: “24 hours is a long time in politics – a lot can happen.”

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