US releases first video of ‘stealth killer’ B-21 test flight

The US Air Force has released for the first time video of the B-21 stealth bomber taking off and landing in California.

The image posted by the US Air Force on September 18 shows a B-21 Raider bomber accelerating and taking off from the runway at Edwards Air Force Base in California, where the aircraft is being tested. The video then cuts to footage of the B-21 landing, with no image of the aircraft in the air.

This is the first time the US Air Force has released a video of a B-21 bomber test flight. Previous images were filmed by people and posted on social media.

B-21 Raider bomber takes off and lands in video posted on September 18. Video: US Air Force

The US Air Force said the test flight was an important step in the testing program, affirming that the B-21 line has high survivability, is capable of overcoming air defense networks and attacking targets deep in enemy territory, helping Washington and its allies fight against “aggressive actions and strategic attacks”.

At a B-21 project progress update conference in Maryland the same day, manufacturer Northrop Grumman announced that testing activities “are progressing well.”

The B-21 Raider, also known as the “stealth killer”, is the first bomber launched by the US since the 1980s, when the B-2 Spirit entered service. The manufacturer claims it is “the world’s first true 6th generation stealth bomber”.

Although not much is known about the B-21, it is likely to incorporate advanced stealth technology, long-range capabilities, carry multiple weapons, and possibly have automation capabilities. In addition to carrying a lot of bombs, it is said to be a smart bomber with sensors, networking, and data fusion capabilities, along with the ability to launch electronic warfare and reconnaissance.

The US Air Force plans to order about 100 B-21s to replace the B-1B Lancer and B-2 Spirit strategic bombers over the next several decades. Each B-21 costs nearly $700 million, not including research and production costs, while the entire project is worth about $203 billion.

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