Ukraine bans military from using Telegram

Ukraine’s National Security and Defense Council on Friday (20) banned its employees and soldiers from using Telegram on their work devices to prevent cyberattacks and information theft by Russia through this messaging platform.

“To minimize these threats, the decision was taken to prohibit the installation and use of Telegram on official devices of state authorities, military personnel, security and defense sector employees, and companies responsible for critical infrastructure,” the Council statement said.

According to this Ukrainian state body, which includes the heads of the main military and security structures and other strategic institutions, “Telegram is actively used by the enemy for cyber attacks, for the distribution of phishing and malicious software, and for establishing geolocation of users, directing missile strikes, etc.”

The ban does not apply to civil servants, military personnel and members of security structures responsible for informing and communicating with the Ukrainian population, for whom Telegram is the most popular messaging platform and the main means of obtaining information and receiving warnings.

Content edited by: Isabella de Paula

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