Highest alert level for floods in eastern Germany again, water level of 5.9 meters expected near Polish border

In eastern Germany, they are preparing for new floods. In the Oder-Spree district, in the state of Brandenburg, the highest alert level has been declared because the water is rising again.

In the village of Ratzdorf, on the border with Poland, the water is expected to reach a height of 5.9 meters again. The river normally flows past the village at a height of about 2.6 meters. The nearby town of Eisenhüttenstadt could also be affected.

In Ratzdorf, emergency services are on standby and a 152-metre-long wall has been built to hold back the river. The highest alert level means that the threat of flooding is potentially life-threatening. The water level in Ratzdorf is expected to peak on Wednesday and remain high until Friday.

Last week, parts of Central and Eastern Europe were also hit hard by heavy rainfall.

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