Lebanon: Israel continues to bomb buildings in the Bekaa Valley and southern Lebanon

The Army of Israel confirmed on Tuesday that it had bombed “targets” of the political and paramilitary group Hezbollah both in the east and south of the Lebanonwhere there are already more than 500 dead and more than 1,800 injured.

Among the targets attacked are buildings that stored weapons, command centers (of Hezbollah) and other infrastructure”, detailed a military statement, which said that the bombings caused “explosions secondary”, which would indicate the presence of weapons in the buildings.

Las Air Forces “will continue to operate to dismantle and degrade the terrorist capabilities and infrastructure of Hezbollahthe text added.

For its part, Israel said it had identified on Tuesday the launch of more than a hundred rockets Hezbollah against the north of the country, which preceded a new burst of five projectiles in the area of Haifa in which a young Israeli man was seriously injured.

Emergency and paramedic technicians are treating and have evacuated a 25-year-old man in moderate condition with shrapnel wounds. Hospital Ramb”, reported the emergency services Magen David Adom.

At around 9:40 in the morning, alarms also sounded in the area of ​​the Alta Galilea where about 50 projectiles were identified crossing from the Lebanon. “Most were intercepted and several fell in the area” damaging buildings and causing fires, the Army said.

Due to increasing insecurity, more schools in northern Israel – in the villages south of Haifa as Megiddo, Yokneam Illit, Daliat al Carmel o Isfiya– have been closed, just as the schools in Haifa to the northern border.

The military spokesman in Arabic, Avichay Adraee reiterated in X to the Lebanese to stay away from the buildings used by Hezbollah “at a distance of no less than one kilometer.” Since yesterday, tens of thousands of Lebanese have left their homes in a atmosphere of terror and chaos, and schools have been opened to receive the displaced.

By Editor