Iran, the bluff of the president of Iran, which the world refuses to buy

The President of Iran, Massoud Pazkhian, arrived this week at the UN General Assembly in New York, in what appears to be his first significant diplomatic test since he was elected to the position last July. Despite the expectations, it seems that Pazkhian will be forced to return to Tehran without tangible achievements.

Western diplomats estimate that there is almost no chance of serious talks on the lifting of sanctions on Iran until after the elections in the United States. In addition, the chances of meetings with senior European leaders or with President Biden are very low, the Wall Street Journal reported.

In his first speech at the rally, a few hours after President Biden’s speech, Pazkhian emphasized that Iran is not looking for war with any country and expressed a willingness to negotiate on nuclear and other issues with the world powers. However, he made it conditional on the lifting of American sanctions on Iran.

Pazkhian called on the United States and other powers to respect Iran’s legitimate security concerns, implying that it is not in Iran’s interest to see a regional arms race – an indirect reference to the Iranian nuclear program.

Despite the relatively moderate rhetoric, Western sources claim that no significant evidence of a change in Iranian policy has yet been seen since Pazkhian took office. Nicole Grezhevsky, a research fellow at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, described Pazkhian’s visit to New York as a “public relations opportunity for Iran,” but expressed doubt about immediate tangible results.

Experts estimate that the Iranian team is trying to use the visit to New York to explore future diplomatic options, especially if Democrats retain control of the White House after the election. However, the new Iranian foreign minister, Abbas Araqchi, has already stated that the 2015 nuclear agreement cannot be renewed in its original form – a position also shared by American and European officials.

For Israel, monitoring these developments is critical. Despite the conciliatory messages, Iran’s progress in its nuclear program continues to worry Israel. According to the International Atomic Energy Agency, Iran has produced an amount of fissile material sufficient for nearly four nuclear bombs, although Tehran continues to maintain that the program’s goals are purely civilian.

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