Open arms: the League aims to collect 100 thousand signatures for Salvini

Seven hundred gazebos organized by the League between tomorrow and Sunday: this is a figure above forecasts and which brings the party banquets to over 1,200 between last weekend and this one. This is what the party says. The objective is to express solidarity with Matteo Salvini – we remember – after the request for a six-year sentence in the Open Arms trial: in support of the leader, over 30 thousand signatures have already been collected at the gazebos, to which more than 20 thousand have been added online. The League plans to break through to the 100,000 mark. There are also thousands of new members, it is claimed. On Sunday evening it will be possible to draw an updated balance sheet. The organizational machine is also proceeding at full speed in view of Pontida, Sunday 6 October: delegations from abroad are expected.

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