Melania Trump defends abortion "let women decide about their own bodies"

Former US first lady Melania Trump is in favor of women’s right to decide about their own bodies, an issue at the center of the electoral debate in view of the US elections on 5 November, according to a preview of her memoirs which will be in bookstores from 8 October.
The British newspaper The Guardian, which exclusively published some extracts from the book, underlines Melania’s clear position regarding abortion, which contrasts with the ambiguity on this issue shown by her husband, former president Donald Trump, Republican candidate for elections presidential elections during the election campaign.


“Why should anyone other than the woman herself have the power to decide what to do with her body? A woman’s fundamental right to individual freedom, to her own life, gives her the power to terminate her pregnancy if she ‘wants to,'” she writes the former first lady in her book, currently titled “Melania”. The opinion of Trump’s third wife and mother of his youngest son, Barron, 18, contrasts with that of much of the Republican Party, which defends the limitation or banning women’s reproductive rights. “Restricting a woman’s right to choose whether to terminate an unwanted pregnancy is denying her control over her body. I have carried this belief with me throughout my adult life,” Melania says in her book.


My Story.
My Perspective.
The Truth.

September 5, 2024


The former first lady also writes about the difficulties faced by women who decide to terminate a pregnancy and highlights the importance of “knowledge, security and comfort” for future generations. “When faced with an unexpected pregnancy, young women often feel a sense of isolation and considerable stress. I, like most Americans, support the need for minors to obtain parental consent before undergoing an abortion.” , writes Trump’s wife.


In her new memoir, Melania Trump gives anti-abortion Republicans a sharp poke in the eye as her husband desperately needs their votes.

“A woman’s fundamental right of individual liberty, to her own life, grants her the authority to terminate her pregnancy if she wishes.”

— Matthew Sheffield (@mattsheffield)
October 2, 2024


After declaring himself the “most pro-life” president the United States has ever had, Trump through his campaign team said he was not in favor of completely banning legal termination of pregnancy and would accept some exceptions. Just a week ago Melania Trump, who usually does not speak to the media, gave an exclusive interview to the American network Fox, the first in two years, in which she defended Trump’s management of the White House between 2017 and 2021 and said the country needs Trump back as president.

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