Tension rises in the center-left over the Renzi ‘nox’

A table, or rather no: a coupon. The object of the test is the centre-left alliance and, in particular, the ‘R’ factor. For months now, Matteo Renzi has been more of a curse than a delight for the five centre-left forces that met three weeks ago over a beer at the Alleanza Verdi e Sinistra party. On that occasion, the secretary of Più Europa, Riccardo Magi, asked for the opening of a table that would resolve some programmatic issues and, with them, also the one represented by Matteo Renzi. The leader of Italia Viva announced his party’s turn to the left this summer, taking advantage of the openness of the Democratic secretary Elly Schlein, “We don’t veto anyone, we don’t take vetoes from anyone“. What followed was the construction of the programs for the regions called to vote in the autumn and, around them, of the coalitions in support of the centre-left candidates. Programs also signed by the Renzians.

Now, twenty days after the first test in Liguria, everything seems to be back in play due to Giuseppe Conte’s ‘niet’ and, after him, the Avs allies “In all regions we have signed a programmatic agreement and we are about to confirm that programmatic agreement. I have serious doubts that the symbol of Italia Viva will be there, explained Angelo Bonelli of the red-green alliance on the sidelines of an event organized by the committee promoting the referendum against differentiated autonomy. Words that come after those of the leader of the M5s who confirmed that he has no intention of presenting the symbol of the movement alongside that of the Renzians.

In response, Renzi’s party – which had not yet expressed its opinion on the point – he made it known that the symbol will be there and that Italia Viva will not accept any other diktats, after what led to the renunciation of the candidatures of Renzian representatives in Liguria. A tug of war that the Movement seems determined to bring to the extreme consequences, not excluding leaving the coalition. That the tension in the center-left has reached alert levels is a fact made clear by the care with which the leaders avoid presenting themselves side by side at events that could see them together.

The frost between Conte and Schlein on the steps of the Court of Cassation on the occasion of the delivery of signatures for the citizenship law; the “separated people in the square” demonstration in Rome, when they protested against the Security bill; finally, today’s event at the Frentani conference center, where Schlein and Bonelli were present, but not Giuseppe Conte – who made it known that he had previous commitments – and Nicola Fratoianni, absent due to family commitments. It is difficult, given the conditions, to imagine that a coalition table could be convened to calm things down. Better to postpone the issue until after the regional vote, explains Bonelli.

“We must be concentrated in these days, in these weeks on making the centre-left, the alliance, win, because there is a programmatic agreement on the territories. I think, however, that after the regional elections it will be necessary to start a clarification because the problem of governing this country involves credible programs and credible people who carry out this program”, says Bonelli who then focuses on Renzi: “The season of Renzism did not represent an element of credibilitybut an element of profound laceration of the country and of detachment towards a significant part of our electorate”, explains the spokesperson for Green Europe: “We must deal with this. It’s not controversy, it’s a political issue, we need to discuss it together. We at Avs do not engage in controversy, we are for unity, but we certainly want credible programs and people who will carry it forward”.

At the Frentani Congress Center in Rome, where the event was held, there was present representing the Five Star Movement, the Senator Alessandra Maiorino. “It doesn’t seem new to me that the 5 Star Movement has said ‘Renzi no’, and it’s not a question of dislike or sympathy of the character. The character is simply unreliable and we have never been in favor of the contamination of business with politics and Renzi represents a world that is incompatible with ours” is Maiorino’s thrust. The comment is even harsher: “Indeed, we believe that a derentification is good for the Democratic Party“.

The secretary of the Democratic Party, Elly Schlein, has made it a rule not to intervene in what the leaders of the Democratic Party consider to be a dispute between Conte and Renzi. “Not a minute wasted in controversy,” is Schlein’s mantra. A line to which the party adheres, although Renzi’s maneuver to move closer to the center-left has nevertheless raised several doubts among the left-dem, today the majority. Those who express their discomfort at what they believe to be a ‘purge’ of the M5S to the detriment of Renzi are the liberal wing of the Democratic Party: “I see that the 5 stars are hoping for a ‘derenzization’ of the Democratic Party. Knowing them I imagine they intend a purge. If I were in However, I would be more concerned about the ‘degrillisation’ they are putting into practice, ostracising and chasing away those who created and supported them”, observes the dem senator Filippo Sensi.

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