FI launches it "Right of Italy". From Pontida chants against Tajani, then the apologies

Forza Italia launches it Right of Italy the blue proposal to reform the law on citizenship. And it invites allies to discuss, also saying it is open to changes to the text. But, he immediately makes it clear Antonio Tajani the bill, with or without the approval of the other center-right forces (to whom the text has already been sent and which will then be deposited in both the House and the Senate), will still go ahead. And he clarifies: “There is no polemical intent”, it is not an initiative “against”, nor will Forza Italia allow itself to be exploited by the centre-left, “we will not accept provocations, we will not vote for the referendum” on citizenship, promoted by +Europa and other associations, as well as the Azzurri, will not support “amendments” of the opposition, artfully made only “to create problems for the majority”. Because, says the Italian leader from the stage of the initiative on the economy promoted in Milan, “citizenship is a serious thing, not a parliamentary game”.


Tajani’s invitation to his allies is to open up to “a changing society and the centre-right cannot be obscurantist or superficial”. Then, the deputy prime minister explains the key points of the blue proposal (acquisition of Italian citizenship at 16 years after 10 years of schooling with profit by children born in Italy or arriving within 5 years of age and reduction of the time to a maximum of one year response from the State, strict on the ius sanguinis, which is valid only up to the great-grandfather) and is keen to clarify: “No one is going to tell us that it is a favor” to illegality, on the contrary, on the contrary it is a means to fight “the illegal immigration is not a permissive proposal, but a serious one.”

Controversy over the young Northern League banner

While the Italian leader spoke in Milan, a few kilometers away, in Pontida, on the day that precedes the traditional Northern League event, the young people of the party in Via Bellerio chanted chants against the head of the Farnesina and unrolled a banner with the writing: “Ius Scholae in sight, Tajani smuggler”.

An attack, that of the young Northern League members, which Forza Italia does not digest at all, so much so that the top leaders of the party, from the spokesperson Nevi to the two group leaders Barelli and Gasparri, intervene to harshly stigmatize, asking the League to distance itself.


The answer of Matteo Salvini doesn’t take long to arrive: “I apologize on their behalf. Every ally is a friend”, specifies the deputy prime minister. Who then ‘wands’ the young Northern League members: “They are 4 idiots, or rather 5”. And he warns them: “We are not playing, we cannot joke. The opponents are not in the majority, they are outside. Tajani is a friend and an ally, Giorgia Meloni is a friend and an ally. If anyone wants to play, the world is great, there are plenty of playgrounds. And the leader of the young Toccalini assures that disciplinary measures will be taken.


Positions that satisfy the allies and put an end to the tension: “Thank you Matteo Salvini. For me too, every ally is a friend”, replies Tajani via social media. But if ‘peace’ returns between the two allies, it is equally true that FI’s initiative on citizenship certainly does not gain favor with the rest of the centre-right. The law on citizenship “is fine as it is, we are the country that gives the most citizenships in Europe. If anything we will present a bill to remove citizenship from those who commit crimes”, reiterates Salvini, who considers “other priorities” for Italians . That FdI, as Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni herself said, believes that the current law is fine and there is no need to change it is no mystery. The group leader in the Chamber Tommaso Foti limits himself to a diplomat: “each group is free to present its own legislative proposals, we will discuss them, they will read them and we will see if there are points of convergence or not”. Having said this, he assures: “Fibrillations? The only one I see is on the opposite side.”

By Editor

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