Khalid Meshal, in a speech dedicated to October 7, declared a strategic victory for Hamas

Hamas leader abroad Khalid Meshal delivered an address marking the first anniversary of the terrorist group’s attack on Israel. According to him, the Flood of al-Aqsa was a strategic victory for the resistance axis.

He called on other Muslim countries to join the “jihad” against Israel, as well as to increase the political isolation of Israel and persecute it in international legal authorities. He noted that one country after another refuses military supplies to the “Zionists.”

Meshal emphasized that a year after the start of hostilities, the Israeli army still had not managed to establish complete control over the Gaza Strip. “The flood of al-Aqsa will remain a black spot in the history of the Zionist entity, a harbinger of its imminent fall,” he said.

The terrorist leader said that millions of residents of Western countries are participating in anti-Israeli demonstrations and fighting against the “occupation” on social networks, collecting humanitarian aid. “This indicates a change in global public opinion in our favor,” the Hamas leader said.

According to him, the losses of the Palestinian people, no matter how painful they may be, bring the liberation of Jerusalem closer, while the enemy has suffered a strategic defeat, which has brought the end of the “Zionist project” closer.

By Editor

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