Ukraine through the surprising advance of their troops onto Russian soil Kursk According to their own information, around 50,000 Russian soldiers in the front area there. “There our men are holding back a fairly large group of Russian troops – 50,000 members of the occupying army,” the Ukrainian president wrote Wolodimir Selenskij on Telegram. These could not be used at other Russian front positions on Ukrainian territory.
The information could not initially be independently verified. Two and a half years after the start of the Russian war of aggression, Ukraine launched its surprise offensive on Kursk in August. Although Russia has been able to recapture some settlements since then, the front line has changed little recently. According to US media reports, Russia has amassed tens of thousands of troops, including recently arrived troops from North Korea. A counteroffensive should be launched with them near Kursk in the coming days.
Artillery stocks of the occupiers reduced
The attacks on Russian weapons depots had reduced the occupiers’ artillery stocks, and this was noticeable at the front, Zelensky wrote. He once again called on the important supporting states USA, Great Britain and Germany to allow the use of the long-range weapons they provided against targets deep in Russian territory. “This is essential. The further our missiles and drones can hit, the less real combat capability Russia will have.”
Meanwhile, according to Russian information, a fire broke out in a fuel depot in the southern Russian region of Belgorod following a Ukrainian drone attack. The fire brigade quickly brought the fire under control, said the region’s governor, Vyacheslav Gladkov, via the short message service Telegram. In the Starkooskolsky district near the Ukrainian border, one of the camp’s tanks caught fire. Nothing was initially known about the extent of the damage or possible injuries.