A highly anticipated reunion. Sam Benastick, a 22-year-old young man, will soon be reunited with his grandmother after spending 50 days in the forest in a remote region of northeastern British Columbia, Canada. He had not given any sign of life since October 17.
“I can’t stop smiling,” his grandmother describes to our colleagues at Radio-Canada. I’m so proud of him because he managed to stay alive. » Eileen Stevens is delighted to soon be able to hug her grandson, currently being treated at Fort Nelson hospital for frostbite.
“He built a camp and a shelter in the bed of a dry stream”
Sam Benastick, who began his hike on October 7 in Redfern-Keily Provincial Park, had been missing since October 17. Significant resources were deployed to find the young man, who left with food and described as an “experienced hiker” by the Royal Canadian Mounted Police. But the search was interrupted eleven days later, on October 28, with the arrival of wintry weather and night temperatures below -20°C leaving him little chance of survival.
The end of the search did not prevent his mother, Sandra Crocker, from multiplying calls on Facebook, thus giving visibility to the disappearance of her son.
The young man was finally recognized by two men working on the Redfern Lake trail, details CNN. He trudged through the forest, supporting himself with two sticks. He had also cut up and wrapped his sleeping bag around his legs.
“Sam told police he stayed in his car for two days, then walked to a stream on the side of a mountain, where he camped for 10 to 15 days,” a statement from the police. He then descended into the valley and built a camp and shelter in a dry creek bed. He then walked to where he flagged down the two men and was taken to safety. »
If we don’t know how the seasoned hiker survived, we also don’t know how he got lost, or why he didn’t retrace his steps. The current investigation should shed light on these gray areas.