“The Senate is keeping up with the times by investing on innovation therefore on the future. THE’artificial intelligence it is already a reality at Palazzo Madama. The Senate, in fact, has long been using artificial intelligence systems for greater efficiency in supporting parliamentary activity and constantly continues to experiment with new solutions.
Among the most important areas are the classroom and commission reporting the classification of parliamentary acts and the analysis of legislative texts”: Thus Senator Quaestor Antonio De Poli, speaking in the Chamber on the internal budget of the Senate.
“In recent years we have combined rigor and efficiency, proving to be a virtuous model. In fact, it is no coincidence that one of the positive indicators is the payment of invoices within 30 days. Innovation and new technologies, as I said before on the subject of AI, can and must improve organizational processes, even in an institution like ours, demonstrated by the investments made in recent years in IT infrastructures, investments which have led to savings of approximately 23 million euros since 2016 to date”, added De Poli.