Vinko Kojundžić, who will be sued by presidential candidate Ivana Kekin for his insinuation that the controversial businessman Nikica Jelavić bought her apartment, is known to the public as a photographer and IT expert of former HDZ Minister of Health Vili Beroš which is under investigation by the DORH for corruption. In recent years Kojundžić worked with the Ministry of Health for millions of contracts, and the last contract with Beroš was approved in October of this year.
But Kojundžić in recent months, he has been recording and publishing materials on social networks directed exclusively against the mayor of Zagreb, Tomislav Tomaševi, the Možemo party and the city government. That is why it can be assumed that behind this story there is rather a prelude to the local elections and the fight for the city of Zagreb, rather than a presidential election campaign.
Namely, Kojundzcaron;ić, in a series of short videos, criticizes the situation in Zagreb under the rule of Tomislav Tomašević, and this spring in the parliamentary elections he was on the list of Ivan Pernar, with whom he also recorded pre-election videos. Then, on the occasion of the Easter holiday, he also dedicated a video to the man he had worked with for years, Vilije Beroš.
Dear Vili, I see that we are in the same second position on the election lists in the 6th constituency, but on opposite sides. You at Božinović, and I at Pernar. What a coincidence?!’, which was obviously a performance because it is visible that Kojundzcaron;ić and continues to work with the Ministry of Health, at whose head Beroš was until recently.
Kojundžić, the owner of the company Cuspis came into the public focus when it became known that he had created the official website of Cijepisa where citizens could apply for vaccination against covid-19 and which had major technical problems. Before that, Kojundžić photographed the now former minister Beroš during his visit to the Croatian Red Cross in Split as part of the election campaign at the time.
The free WordPress platform was used to create the Vaccines page, and the page was created using a template that cost 49 US dollars. This caused great public attention at the time because the Ministry of Health paid HRK 2,929,083.46 to Kojundžić.
Namely, the company Cuspis did not win tenders from that department until Beroš came to the Ministry of Health in 2018. And then the boom happened. In the first year of the mandate of Vili Beroš, Cuspis was paid HRK 3,497,338.41 from the Ministry of Health, and in 2019, Cuspis was paid HRK 6,367,024.09 from the Ministry of Health. In 2020, Cuspis’ earnings from the Ministry amounted, as we mentioned above, to HRK 2,929,083.46.
In 2021, Vinka Kojundžić’s company received HRK 6,591,872.15 from the Ministry of Health, of which HRK 5,645,372.15 for computer services, and HRK 946,500 for “investments in computer” programs”.
In 2022, the company Cuspis concluded a contract worth HRK 7.85 million for the Ministry of Health. But, in spite ofč that three years ago, PN Uskok was investigating some contracts and deals concluded between the Ministry of Health and the companies IN2 and Cuspis, which operated the platform, which, however, was almost never in use, the collaboration between Beroš and of his photographer Kojundžića continues in 2024.
This year, on September 19, 2024, to be exact, the Ministry makes a decision to accept the offer of the Cuspis company for the maintenance and upgrade services of the Central Management System of the CUS for EUR 1,372,500.00 including VAT. In the letter on the selection proposal, it is stated that the company Cuspis has submitted a valid Guarantee for the seriousness of the offer, there are no grounds for exclusion of the offeror, all requirements and conditions have been met in addition to the subject of procurement and technical specifications, and that the offer is mathematically correct.
Then, on October 3, 2024, the Ministry of Health once again orders the introduction of a system for monitoring the outcome of the treatment of outpatients with an emphasis on chronic patients in public pharmacies. The estimate of the procurement value is 456,566.46 euros, and the companies Teched savjetovanje usluge, King ICT, Ericsson Nikola Tesla, IN2 do.o. are applying for the tender. and others, including Cuspis again. The Ministry again chooses the company Cuspis, which made an offer of 116,110.00 euros including VAT, which is the lowest amount of all offers. The then minister Vili Beroš was signed as the responsible person in the decision.
The first affair in which Kojundžić dates back to 2009, when USKOK confirmed that an investigation was being conducted for a long time into allegedly illegal and harmful contracts concluded with suppliers by the former director of the Croatian Institute for Health Insurance Veslav Bergman, and Slobodna Dalmacija wrote that for corruption in business with IT equipment, and HZZO advisor for IT affairs Vinko Kojundžić. According to Slobodna Dalmacija’s writings at the time, in the application to USKOK from 2007, it is claimed that Kojundžić represented as an advisor to HZZO, and at the same time was the owner of a private IT company, and that he and Bergman were arranging the affairs of the company, which was allegedly owned by Kojundžić’s wife. Kujundžić denied all these claims, saying that they were put forward by a certain Julijan Pajk, who – as he told journalists – also stole his business bag. Kojundžić later led disputes with the City of Zagreb. Back in Bandi’s time, the City of Zagreb sued Kojundzcaron for a debt of HRK 100,000 that he did not pay to the Zagreb Holding for the use of the Arena hall for the children’s fair. The debt from 2014 is Kojundžić he was supposed to pay back in July 2015, but since he didn’t do it, the city company had to sue him. By the judgment of the Commercial Court in Zagreb in April 2021, Cuspis was ordered to settle the debt of HRK 112,500 with interest to the Zagreb Holding, it became final and enforceable. Zagrebčki holding has been arguing with Kojundži for years about this amount. It all started in 2014 when, as he stated in court, Kojund was negotiating with the representatives of the Zagreb holding company about holding the Children’s Fair in the Arena. In the end, the court did not believe Kojundžić, who claimed that he got the use of the space in Arena Zagreb for free, after an agreement with the then branch manager. That is why a judgment was passed according to which Cuspis must pay that debt with interest. In addition, he has to pay about HRK 16,000 in court costs.