Dresden – In the middle of Dresden city center and just in time for the morning rush hour, they are back: the climate chaos. They are currently blocking Dr.-Külz-Ring at the corner of St. Petersburger-Straße.
Their goal: stop attention to the climate emergency and the “fossil madness of our present”. Last Generation activists have gone on a sit-in again. This time without glue and with the consent of the police.
To calm the motorists, a troublemaker held up a sign that read “7 minutes, then we can continue”. The short demo is then interrupted to allow traffic to continue. They are allowed to stay on the street in the city center for a total of 3×7 minutes and thus hold up commuter and commuter traffic.
Does this information really reassure drivers?
The stressed drivers hardly understand the action (work is waiting!)
Also in Leipzig sit-in blockade
The people of Leipzig are not spared either. There, six activists from the last generation glued themselves to the street with superglue and are blocking the Brandenburg Bridge on the way out of town.
The police officers already know from previous operations that the glue is best removed with olive oil. Nevertheless, it may still take some time before all climate chaos has been oiled free and the rush hour traffic can run smoothly again.
If you can, turn around beforehand or drive around the Brandenburg Bridge.
Apparently important in the protest against fossil madness: the mini handbag in black crocodile look
The activist is glued to the road with one hand. Now the officials need olive oil
First, the police free the activists in the middle of the street. This means that traffic can at least roll slowly over the bridge again