China tests system to monitor cases of respiratory diseases

Last week, China’s communist regime began testing a new pilot system to track cases of respiratory diseases whose origin is still unknown. The initiative occurs at the same time that rates of respiratory diseases are increasing in the Asian country, which is counting on the arrival of winter.

According to information from the agency Reuters, Such action is part of a greater effort by communists to prevent emergency situations, something that was lacking in 2019, when the coronavirus responsible for Covid-19 emerged. According to the state broadcaster CCTVthe system includes the verification and rigorous management of reported cases, seeking to prevent the spread of unknown pathogens.

Data released for the period from the 16th to the 22nd of this month showed an increase in the number of acute respiratory infections in several regions of China. Among the infectious agents identified are the rhinovirus, associated with common colds, and the human metapneumovirus, which has been showing a higher incidence in children under 14 years of age in the northern regions of the country.

According to the Reutersthe National Administration for Disease Control and Prevention is in charge of implementing this new system, which establishes a flow of communication between laboratories and health agencies.

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