Todde doesn’t give in: "I am entitled to move forward"

“I am peacefully at work, after a discussion with my majority”. The President of the Sardinia Region, Alessandra Todde appears smiling at the press point in the Regional Council in Cagliari, after the meeting with the group leaders of the Campo Largo parties.

The summit was called urgently after the act with which the Electoral College of Guarantee at the Court of Appeal accused Todde of irregularities in the reporting of electoral expenses for the regional elections in February 2024 which would lead to her forfeiture as a regional councilor and therefore from the office of president.


“The administrative act arrived yesterday from the Court of Appeal it will follow its path and will be managed by my lawyers. I reiterate my full trust in the judiciary and in the actions of the Committee that represented me in the elections. I have the full motivation and full legitimacy to continue working for the Sardinians and I will do so.”

“I am absolutely certain of the legitimacy of my actions and certain that my actions were correct.” This was stated by the president of the Sardinia Region, Alessandra Todde, in the press point following the urgent meeting with the majority group leaders.

“What we were elected to do is serve the Sardinians. This does not end until there are definitive acts. Therefore, we we continue to work with absolute motivation, this is why we were elected and this is why we receive public money.” “The issue of legitimation does not arise to the extent that there are no definitive acts. The Regional Council will follow its path and in the meantime we continue to work with absolute legitimacy”, reiterated Todde.

“There is an Elections Committee that will make its assessments and then ask the Regional Council to express itself at the Council’s own pace. In the meantime, from the point of view of my path, I will do everything that my lawyers deem correct to defend myself in the appropriate locations. The appeal is normal. I believe we have to defend ourselves. My lawyers do not agree with the observations” of the Electoral College of Guarantee.

“It’s not my job to go into the merits. It’s right to reiterate your reasons in the competent bodies and that’s what we will do.” So no irregularities? “Certainly not in substance. Then, in form, in formalisms – I’m not a jurist – I can’t enter”, replied the president, who entrusted herself to the Ballero law firm. “We have received comments from the Court of Appeal and we responded with a memoir. In this collaborative way, as we have always done, we will continue to discuss the merits.”

“I heard from the president of M5S Giuseppe Conte and the secretary of the Democratic Party, Elly Schlein“. This was reported by the president of the Sardinia Region, Alessandra Todde, the first five-star representative to hold this position. “I have the support of my political force and all those of the majority who are working to support me”. “We discussed it from a political point of view, not on the merits”, Todde specified in response to journalists on this morning’s armored summit. “I believe it is important to distinguish the political level, the administrative one, from the judicial one. I am a straightforward and decent person. To those who asked her if she expected such a development, the president replied with a laugh: “I’m not a fortune teller. You have to have the strength of truth and facts. I only know how to work like this”.



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