Anti-Semitic action in Germany: a pig’s head was thrown at Prager’s house

Last weekend, January 3 or 4, unknown attackers planted a pig’s head at Prager’s house, which is considered a memorial site for Jewish victims of the Nazis in the city of Apolda (Thuringia, eastern Germany), Bild reports.

Police are investigating on suspicion of inciting ethnic hatred.

The Prime Minister of Thuringia, Mario Voigt, and the head of the regional Ministry of Internal Affairs, Georg Mayer, expressed outrage at the incident. “We strongly condemn the desecration of Prager’s house in Apolda. There must be no place for anti-Semitism – neither in Apolda nor anywhere else in Thuringia or Germany,” their joint statement said.

“Prager House” is a two-story building on Bernhard-Prager-Gasse street, which in the past housed the office of the Jewish merchant Bernhard Prager (1888-1944). The entire Prager family died in the Holocaust.

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