There’s still enough beer: 29 people have been snowed in in the pub for three days

North Yorkshire (UK) – Imagine going into a bar and not coming out for days! For some a dream, for others a nightmare.

So it’s 23 people in Great Britain who were surprised by a snowstorm on a mountain peak on Saturday. Since then they have been stuck together with six employees.

But the visitors to the famous “Tan Hill Inn”, the highest pub in England, don’t seem to be in too much trouble. They play cards, watch films together – and of course drink Bier.

Hikers set off despite the snow warning

After the snowstorm, the guests were unable to get down from the mountain on foot or by car

Foto: Paul Wright/SWNS

The quaint old pub in North Yorkshire north of Manchester is located directly on the famous Pennine Way hiking trail. Despite official WetterWarning rose by the dozen over the weekend Wanderer on the 528 meter high mountain, including a family with a four-year-old child.

After a heavy snowstorm, it was impossible to get back down by foot or car. Videos show the icy wind whipping around the house and the vehicles standing in front of a thick wall of snow that is said to be over a meter high.

Two guests make themselves comfortable by the fireplace with a beer. Nobody gets away from here anyway

Foto: Freddie Swift/SWNS

On Monday, the third day, the operators reported on Facebook: “Our guests and employees are enjoying a “Full English” (English breakfast, editor’s note) and are wondering how long their forced stay here will last.”

Operator: “You are in no hurry to leave”

At least the “prisoners” don’t seem to be doing badly: photos show them sitting by the fireplace with a glass of beer or building a snowman in front of the door. At least the “Tan Hill Inn” above the bar also has accommodation.

Manager Nicole built a snowman in front of the pub door with Australian guest Paul

Foto: The Tan Hill Inn/SWNS

So it’s no wonder that hardly anyone here Berg wants to go down: “They’re in no rush to leave until the conditions up here improve,” the pub explained. One of the guests, Paul from Australia, said: “We offered to wash the dishes but they didn’t want to.”

By Editor

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