Today we celebrate the anniversary of the adoption of the Tricolore. The day was established by law no. 671 of 31 December 1996, with the intention of celebrating the bicentenary of the birth of the Italian flag in Reggio Emilia which officially took place on 7 January 1797 with the official adoption of the Tricolor by the Cispadane Republic, a Napoleonic state born the previous year and dependent on the First French Republic. A series of celebrations are planned for today in the municipality of Reggio Emilia.
“The Tricolor evokes the pride of the civic virtues inherent to feeling Italian, it expresses to the world the values of our community, of our homeland. We address it with respect and the emotion of a people who gather and recognize around it. Long live the Tricolore, long live the Republic”. This is what the President of the Republic says, Sergio Mattarella, in the declaration on the occasion of the 228th anniversary of the proclamation of the First Tricolor of Italy, “Flag that the Constituents wanted as a symbol of the Republic”.
“The Flag – continues the Head of State – is a witness that, from generation to generation, summarizes our identity as a people, in the historical process that led to the achievement of the unitary State and, with Liberation, to the values of freedom and democracy, of peace and cooperation, which – Mattarella continues – are the indispensable heritage of our society, engraved in our Constitutional Charter”.
Prime Minister Meloni, tricolor bridge that unites history and future
“Love for the homeland, memory and respect for those who fought for our freedom, hope for a future to build together. These are all values embodied by our Tricolore, which we celebrate in particular today, on the occasion of National Flag Day. bridge that unites history and future, tradition and innovation, our roots with our tomorrow. Symbol of a strong and united nation that is once again asserting itself in the world. Let’s continue together to carry our green, white and red banner high. With pride, passion and determination. Long live the Tricolore, Long live Italy”. This is the message from Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni on the occasion of the celebration of the 228th anniversary of the proclamation of the First Italian Tricolore.
Tajani, we pay homage to those who defend our values
“Today we celebrate 228 years of the #Tricolour, symbol of our history and our identity. On the National Day dedicated to the Tricolor we pay homage to those who proudly defend our values every day”. Foreign Minister Antonio Tajani wrote it on X.
Valditara, emblem that unites Italians
“The tricolor is an emblem that unites Italians, it reflects our shared history and the fundamental principles of the Constitution. It is a symbol of identity and cohesion that also has a profound meaning for our school, as a place of growth and education”. The Minister of Education and Merit, Giuseppe Valditara, writes on social media.