Cecilia Sala is free, Meloni and Tajani will welcome you at Ciampino

“The plane taking journalist Cecilia Sala home took off a few minutes ago from Tehran”. This is what we read in a note from Palazzo Chigi. “Thanks to intense work on diplomatic and intelligence channels, our compatriot has been released by the Iranian authorities and is returning to Italy. The Prime Minister, Giorgia Meloni, expresses gratitude to all those who contributed to making the return of Cecilia, allowing her to hug her family and colleagues again. The President personally informed the journalist’s parents during a phone call that took place a few minutes ago.” The Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Antonio Tajani are at Ciampino airport to welcome the reporter.

Tajani: “Diplomacy and teamwork”

“Diplomacy and teamwork: Cecilia Sala is coming home!”. Thus on X the Foreign Minister and Vice Prime Minister Antonio Tajani celebrated the news of the journalist’s release.


Crosetto: “It helped the prime minister’s international credibility”

The release of Cecilia Sala is “the fruit of great team work, done in silence, primarily by Prime Minister Meloni, by Minister Tajani and by all the Farnesina staff, by Mantovano and by the services”. Defense Minister Guido Crosetto said this while speaking on an extraordinary edition of Tg1.
“It is a small, great victory for our country – underlined Crosetto – the return home of a citizen detained in another country is excellent news, Cecilia Sala is a journalist who has made information her life and that he wasn’t doing anything wrong.” Relations with Iran? “Our diplomatic approach is the same with all countries, even with those judged hostile by the West – he concluded – And, mine is not a partisan consideration, the international political weight of Giorgia Meloni has helped”.



Lollobrigida: “Fruit centrality of Italy”

“The release of Cecilia Sala is wonderful news, the result of the incessant and without fanfare work carried out by the Meloni government, diplomacy and services, to which we are grateful, but also of the centrality that Italy has assumed at the international. Welcome back, Cecilia”. The Minister of Agriculture, Food Sovereignty and Forestry Francesco Lollobrigida writes it on his X profile.


Schlein: “Thanks to those who worked tirelessly”

“The news we were waiting for, which we hoped to receive as soon as possible. The release of Cecilia Sala is a relief, and hearing that she is soon in Italy fills us with joy. Thanks to the government, the diplomatic corps, the services and those who have worked tirelessly in these 20 days of apprehension and anguish for this result. We are waiting for you, Cecilia!”. This was stated by the secretary of the Democratic Party, Elly Schlein


Renzi: “Now stop the controversy”

“Today is a day of celebration for all of Italy and we say thank you to all the institutions, starting with the President of the Republic who remembered Cecilia Sala in his New Year’s message, starting with the President of the Council of ministers, starting with the ministers who dealt with the matter, starting with the intelligence authorities.” Senator Matteo Renzi said this when speaking in the Chamber regarding the release of Cecilia Sala. “Today, a line is confirmed that in 70 years no one has ever questioned. When there is an Italian in danger abroad, whether there is a right-wing or left-wing government, we all work together to bring her home. We will be happy – continues the leader of Italia viva – if in these hours the political forces of the opposition and the majority give up making controversies on this too and gather in an embrace around Cecilia Sala’s parents”.
“Once one of our compatriots was freed in 2014 in very complex circumstances, the mother of that compatriot, when she heard the news, told me it’s a new birth for me. I believe that today it’s a new birth for the mother by Cecilia Sala, but above all it is a day of celebration for this brilliant journalist who will return to do her job in a democratic Republic that recognizes differences but which in moments of difficulty knows how to act in a united way”, he concludes.



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