The Jewish-American entrepreneur, Sam Altman the CEO and entrepreneur of the artificial intelligence company OpenAI, which provides, among other things, the ChatGPT services, is accused by his sister of continuous sexual abuse, it was published in the “Guardian”.
Sam Altman’s sister, Annie Altman, filed a lawsuit against him alleging that the brother sexually abused her for years, starting when the two were children. According to the allegations, the abuse began when Annie was three years old and Sam was 12. The last assault, according to the lawsuit, took place when Sam was already an adult and Annie was still a child. The lawsuit was filed this week in the US District Court of Missouri.
Sam Altman posted a tweet on Network X, signed by his mother and two younger brothers, in which he denies the accusations and implies that his sister accuses him of actions due to her mental condition: “Our family loves Annie and is very worried about her well-being. Caring for a family member who faces mental health challenges is a difficult thing surprisingly”.
It was also written in the family’s tweet: “Annie made completely offensive and unfounded claims about our family, and especially about Sam. This situation causes enormous pain for our entire family.” The family added that Annie was offered “monthly financial support” as well as medical help but she “refuses conventional treatment”.
Annie Altman’s lawyers say she suffers from mental health problems as a result of the alleged abuse. The lawsuit demands damages worth $75,000 as well as legal costs.
The Guardian noted that Annie had made similar allegations against her brother on social networking platforms in the past. The family said they had previously decided not to respond publicly to the allegations, but chose to do so now, following Annie’s decision to take legal action.