Scandal in Paris: the heavy damage the immigrants caused to the theater
The liberal-radical theater Gaîté Lyrique in Paris hosted a group of 250 immigrants from West African countries about five weeks ago, as part of an approach that calls for their integration into society. Since then, those immigrants refuse to leave the place, have taken over the building, are celebrating on the spot – and are bringing it into a real threat to its future and its economic ability to survive the coming period, since it cannot continue to present shows and events.The theater, in a building owned by the Paris City Council, is known for its liberal views. On December 10, those 250 immigrants were invited to an evening of lectures and conversations with experts from universities and senior officials of the Red Cross organization. At the end of the evening, they refused to leave and chose to stay put. In the past five weeks, the number of de facto immigrants living and residing in the museum building has increased, and they are now estimated at around 300.


Every day the immigrants hold meetings and demonstrations in the place, and mark it with a tom-tom drum that is there in the stairwell in the place. They sing loudly, using microphones and other audio devices, and in local media the atmosphere was described as “loud and noisy”.

The new situation, which at the moment is not clear how long it will last, poses a tangible threat to the future of the theater. Since the beginning of the immigrant settlement in the place, all performances have been canceled, according to the hour until January 24. 70% of the theater’s revenue comes from the sale of tickets and related products, and 30% comes from subsidies and support it receives from various parties. It is not clear how much longer the museum will be able to continue operating as usual, and pay salaries to its 60 employees.

The management of the theater understands that the situation can no longer continue as it is now, and despite this, according to the reports, its management is unable to order steps that will lead to the removal of the immigrants from the place – at a time when the winter season is at its peak outside. The Paris City Council, which owns the same building, has also tried to find alternative accommodation for all those immigrants, but so far without success. It is now expected in Paris that the French government will allow itself to help solve the crisis.

Not only the theater was badly damaged by the invasion of immigrants who refuse to leave, but also the various restaurants and businesses operating nearby. Many of those restaurants and other businesses are largely based on the activity of the theater and the traffic of its visitors. Elia, a 38-year-old manager of a nearby bistro, herself the daughter of immigrant parents from Algeria, told the British “Times” that since the beginning of the crisis her restaurant has been empty – and so far it has cost her more than 30 thousand euros.

“They’re ruining my business,” she said, “they’re constantly hanging out on my porch, smoking joints and fighting among themselves. Not only are we no longer hosting spectators and visitors who come to the theater, but we also can’t accept guests who are passing by or want to come Especially. They are very scared of those young people.”

Most of those immigrants who invaded the theater arrived in France as minors under 18 years of age – which entitles them to assistance from the authorities, partly in the area of ​​housing. Despite this, since then most of them have been tried and prosecuted for various offenses as adults, and most of them are used to sleeping and living on the street – before they moved to actually live in the theater, which thought to take them under their protection.

By Editor

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