The CSU wants an even stricter asylum policy than the CDU

Does migration pose potential for conflict for the Union? According to media reports, the CSU wants to propose an even tougher course in asylum policy than Union Chancellor candidate Friedrich Merz and the jointly adopted election program.

In the draft of a “Bayern Agenda”, a kind of CSU program for the federal election on February 23rd, the CSU goes beyond the Union line on several points. Report that the “Münchner Merkur” and the dpa news agency, citing the draft.

Anyone who commits a crime must leave our country immediately.

From the “Bavaria Agenda”

A clear roadmap for Syrians in Germany is needed, says the draft chapter on migration. In general, the CSU wants to link the right to stay beyond asylum to an independently generated income. “No immigration into our social systems – the prerequisite for a permanent residence permit must be the ability to independently secure one’s livelihood,” the newspaper quotes from the draft.

CSU boss Markus Söder is also making the traffic light coalition’s withdrawal of citizenship law more stringent and has a long deadline. “Naturalization may only be granted after eight years and only with good integration, impunity and self-sufficiency,” the dpa quotes from the draft.


According to reports, the Bavaria agenda also includes a call for a change in the individual’s basic right to asylum to an objective guarantee that cannot be enforced individually. Court proceedings to review asylum decisions must be limited “to the constitutional minimum”.

The CSU is also tightening up one of the CDU’s demands on the issue of deportations. CDU General Secretary Carsten Linnemann demanded that after the second offense, the right of residence was “necessarily” forfeited. The CSU paper now states: “Anyone who commits a crime must leave our country immediately.” Imprisoned perpetrators should be deported “out of prison.” The figure of two crimes does not appear.

According to reports, the CSU board will discuss and decide on the “Bayern Agenda” on Monday. Parts of the agenda had already been addressed by Söder and the CSU state group in the Bundestag.

In addition to migration, according to reports, commuter allowances, state financial equalization and mother’s pensions are topics on the “Bavaria Agenda”.

By Editor

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