London – In just seven years, the same parents abandoned three newborns in the London cold, and so far they have escaped with impunity! It’s an incredible case from England – now the police have offered a reward of 20,000 pounds (almost 24,000 euros) for information about the parents.

The most recent case: Elsa’s umbilical cord was still hanging when a passerby found her severely hypothermic in a shopping bag on the side of the road in the east of January 2024 London found. Her parents had the baby there just an hour later birth exposed.

Elsa was discovered around 8:45 p.m. – fortunately. Otherwise she would probably have frozen to death. At night the temperature dropped to minus 4 degrees. That’s why the baby was named Elsa, like in the film “Frozen”.

Elsa was found in this shopping bag just an hour after she was born

Photo: Metropolitan Police

All three siblings abandoned

Elsa is not alone, like the British daily newspaper „The Mirror“ reported. During a DNA analysis, doctors found that Elsa has two brothers who share the same fate: they were all left out in the cold. Harry in 2017, Roman in 2019 and Elsa in 2024. The locations in east London are only a few kilometers apart.

The good news: everyone is fine now!

The two older babies have since been adopted, while Elsa is “doing well” in a foster family, as “The Mirror” reports.

Baby Roman was found in a park in east London in 2019

Photo: With Police

Big reward for tips

The police’s years-long investigation has so far come to nothing. The Parents the babies seem untraceable. That’s why the investigators are now trying the reward.

Elsa was found in this park in London in January 2024. There is a big reward for information about the crime

Foto: picture alliance / empics

Mother probably traumatized

Many questions remain unanswered: How can parents be so cruel? Why leave a child out in the cold when there are other ways to deliver a baby? And how can three births go undetected?

Also the English psychologist Dr. Jo Mueller seems perplexed: “It’s really quite difficult to have a baby without anyone knowing about it.”

And: “It is very likely that such mothers are traumatized, excluded and suffer from psychological problems. These people may be refugees or people with unstable living conditions. They may be afraid of coming into contact with the authorities because they are not here legally.”

By Editor

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