Trust Crisis: US Jews believe in Israel, but doubt something else

In a new survey of “Voice of the People,” the Institute for the Jewish People’s Policy (JPPI) from January 2025, a complex picture of United States, which is almost half of the Jewish people: While most decisively sees Israel the safest place for Jews, only 19% of them believe that Israel is winning the war – a dramatic drop from 37% last month.

Right to define Israel as a winner?

The survey examined the general impression of US Jews from the war that continues in Israel for over a year. The data indicate a significant decline in the Israeli victory: while last month 37% believed in Israeli victory, the number in the past month dropped to only 19%. At the same time, the percentage of believers in the loss An Israeli leapt from 5% to 14%.

Evaluation of the abducted agreement

One -third (33%) of the respondents consider the kidnapping agreement and the ceasefire is a victory for Hamas and loss to Israel, 31% believe it is a victory to both parties, 9% perceive it as a loss to both parties, and only 7% see it as an Israeli victory. As for credit for the transaction, about a third of the respondents believe that the incoming Trump administration comes a greater credit for achieving the deal than the outgoing Biden administration, while another one -third claims the opposite and gives the bulk of the credit to the outgoing Biden administration.

A sense of security and connection to Israel

Survey (Photo: Institute for Jewish People’s Policy)

Most of the survey participants indicate that the war in Israel is to some extent in their sense of security: 40% reported that they feel less safe because of the war in Israel, and another 36% indicate that they are more concerned about their personal security as Jews because of the war. However, most respondents (63%, which include those who agree and those who agree) see in Israel the “safest place for Jews to live.” In addition, through a consistent and prolonged examination of the US Jews’ question, which has been tested several times since October 7, it is discovered that in the past six months, most respondents report their connection to Israel.

Social connections in the Jewish community

Survey (Photo: Institute for Jewish People’s Policy)

In the question that touched the social life of the survey, half of them (52%) said it was easier for them to develop companies with Jews, while 46% responded that the question of whether or not a person was Jewish, did not affect their ability to develop companies with him. The survey found that as the religious scale progresses from the liberal direction towards the conservative, the lesson of those who replied that it is easier for them to develop companies with Jews than with non -Jews.

Trust in the new Trump administration

With Donald Trump’s seven-in-law’s seven-in-law, the survey examined the US Jews’ trust in a variety of fields. “A similar trend also seems to be divided by religious level – as the religious scale progresses from the liberal direction in the conservative direction, the degree of trust in Trump’s future operations.

The most worrying issue among US Jews in relation to the new president is its impact on democracy, with 64% of respondents not trusting it in this area. As for US-Israel relations, 28% have replied that they have great confidence that Trump will do the “right thing” , 37% expressed a few trust in relation to the possibility that Trump will do the right thing about preserving the relationship between countries, and about a quarter of complete disbelief.

On the struggle with anti-Semitism, 26% replied that they have a lot of confidence that Trump will “do the right thing” to address the problem, 27% expressed a little trust in that, and 40% absolute distrust regarding the issue. In Trump’s proper coping with Iran, opinions are divided in a way that is almost equal: about a third (30%) expressed great trust, about a third (29%) a bit of trust, and about a third (31%) absolute distrust. The issue in which the lowest trust was recorded in relation to the new president is the treatment of the Israeli-Palestinian issue: only 16% express great confidence, 27% slightly trust, and 40% express complete disbelief in the incoming president’s treatment on the subject.

In general, most of the survey participants (54%) said that in their opinion, the United States does not support enough in Israel, with 30%that they think the US is supported in Israel to the right degree, while a tenth (11%) thinks that the United States supports Israel too much.

Israel’s image affects the security of the world of world

Survey (Photo: Institute for Jewish People’s Policy)

Prof. Yedidia Stern, president of the Institute of Jewish People’s Policy, emphasized that “the findings of the survey reflect a clear and consistent trend of expression of support in Israel and a sense of proximity and a fate with it among US Jews,” adding that things blend in with “the decline in personal security in the US, As in many places in the world, following the wave of anti -Semitism that woke up with the war. ”

Stern also noted that “a significant part of the Jews do not feel Israel’s supreme in the war,” but emphasized that “even so, most of them still believe that Israel is the safest place in the world to Jews.” He called on decision makers in Israel “to devote a thought to the mediation of the message, to the US Jews, that Israel was won in the war,” emphasizing that “Israel’s image as strong and winning may have a great significance on the sense of security of the world.”

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