Ok by Conte at the ‘Lodo’ Franceschini. Dem irritation

Giuseppe Conte’s Franceschini Lodo likes. And it could not be otherwise. The leader of the M5S has everything to be gained from the perspective outlined by the exponent dem for the opposition parties, or to take each one on their own account at the next political elections, for the proportional part provided for by the current electoral law, and stipulate agreements in the majority, College for college. And yesterday Giuseppe Conte was clear in promoting Franceschini’s initiative: “Our priority goal is to work for an alternative to this government, Create a serious project of alternative to the government “explained Conte to reporters who stopped him in the transatlantic.


“At the same time, however, we must also take note, and it is a reality, that the forces of the progressive area are many with various sensitivity. So the perspective of Franceschini and Bettini is to work in a realistic way also respecting the diversity and then hit United “. Not only that: also on the hypothesis of reviewing the electoral law in a majority key, Conte said he was available: “If you want to work on the proportional with barrier thresholds and also return to citizens the possibility of being able to choose beyond the stored lists, We are like M5S “. Provided, it is the note, it is not a “subtle” way to obtain the effects of the premiered without the reform.


The 5 Star Movement has always been said to be in favor of this perspective that would allow the party led by Conte not to give up its “identity and founding values”. Identity and values ​​that, in the event of a structural alliance with the other parties, would necessarily be sacrificed. Not only that: Among the Five Stars it is widespread belief that an alliance with other parties makes it lose consensus.


A point of view also emerged during the constituent path with the many discussion proposals from the base in which it was said to the alliances with the dem, no to those with Renzi to Italy Viva, but always on condition that it did not abdicate on themes such as sending weapons to Ukraine or ‘no’ to nuclear energy. But Franceschini’s proposal also opens another theme that concerns the center -left leadership being defined. Leadership that the recent electoral passages would have put, at least temporarily, in the hands of Elly Schlein, the Democratic Party was the first political force in Umbria, Emilia-Romagna and Liguria, where she lost. Without the coalition, however, it would start from scratch and every leader would have equal weight. Indeed, one could even find ourselves in such a situation that even the smallest of the parties could camp on others as it is decisive for the formation of the majority in Parliament.


For the dem a nightmare scenario that brings back to the union of Prodi, With the coalition exposed to the continuous tears of forces such as Italian communists or Udeur. From the Democratic Party, the amazement for the choice of Giuseppe Conte’s time. The press conference had just ended in the Chamber with the victims of Almasri in which Elly Schlein, Nicola Fratoianni, Angelo Bonelli and Riccardo Magi participated. For Italy Viva there was the group leader in the Chamber Maria Elena Boschi. The M5S was instead represented by the deputy Vittoria Baldino. After the conference, the exponents of the opposition met in a corridor of the Chamber to agree on the joint note, surrounded by journalists. The theme of the day was the failure to inform the government on the repatriated Libyan trafficker, but Schlein asked reporters to wait for his declaration “not to obscure what has been said at the conference by the victims”.

At the same time, however, Conte appeared in the transatlantic and offered questions about the ‘Lodo’ Franceschini. A choice of times that has generated a certain irritation among the dem exponents present in the Chamber: “When there is a unitary initiative”, observed a Dem manager, “Conte decides to present himself on his own to sign a proposal that certifies the renunciation of running united!”. The exclamation point is replaced by that of question when, on the other hand, it is a question of understanding where Franceschini’s choice wants to go to parry. A choice is a common belief among the high ranks of the Democratic Party, which does not harm the secretary as much as to those who “fight” there.


On the sofas of Montecitorio you pass a phone in hand a phone that reports a piece of the Republic. The title is “Franceschini’s shock pushes the dem”. The secretary does not intervene in the issue preferring to deal with “more concrete things”as he recently said. Sources of the dem minority, equally skeptical on the feasibility of the ‘praise’, then a second hypothesis advance: and if Franceschini’s was an assist to Schlein to get the chestnuts from the fur from the weight of the construction of the center -left? A reflection that marries with the rumors that speak of a new attempt to build the accounting to arm Schlein of which Franceschini would be the director. The question mark on the intentions of the former minister, therefore, remains and, indeed, is amplified from the public releases of ‘Big’ dem, from Romano Prodi to Goffredo Bettini, passing through Paolo Gentiloni and the centrists. All with a minimum common denominator: the chances of the secretary to federate and head to the head of an alternative coalition to that led by Meloni. And if Schlein could not in the company, if we proceeded with the proposal of Franceschini, how to choose, in the event of a victory in the elections, the premier? The previous one is that of the formation of the yellow -green government, in the summer of 2019, with Matteo Salvini and Luigi Di Maio to treat for over a week before choosing. Who fell on the name of Giuseppe Conte.

By Editor

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