Thirty years from the turning point of Fiuggi, the right between Berlusconi and the challenge of the reforms

30 years have passed since the turning point of Fiuggi, who decreed the farewell to the Italian social movement and baptized the birth of the National Alliance, under the guidance of Gianfranco Fini. Since then the Italian right has taken other steps, a road, to put it in the words of Ignazio La Russa, scattered with “many sliding doors”, who conducted it until the guidance of the country and to be first left in Italy.

It is no longer, therefore, the time to look to the past, to have nostalgia for that moment, urges the same ends, the right “is not in a defense position”. On the contrary, it must have “courage, it must dare and risk”, it must be “the reference point of reforming policies”.

Thirty years later, the protagonists of that season question themselves, together with the new protagonists of the current season, on what new steps to take, without denying the journey taken but not making the mistake of remaining with the gaze turned backwards. The opportunity offers the Tatarella Foundation with the conference hosted in the Senate “National alliance, 30 years after the birth of government”.


Among the speakers, in addition to Fini, the second office of the State Ignazio La Russa, Minister Adolfo Urso and the organizational manager of Fratelli d’Italia Giovanni Donzelli. And it is him – that he regretted herself for not having had the opportunity to get to know Pinuccio Tatarella in person – to offer a reading of the last 30 years and to mention one of the co -star of the history of the Italian center -right, Silvio Berlusconi. Donzelli pressed: “I don’t want to be misunderstood, we miss Berlusconi, his sun is missing in his pocket, his genius, his being empathic, his ability to keep all souls united” of that political area.

“But to say that Berlusconi has cleared the right is a false historian, because the turning point of the right was to understand the topic” he had in front in 1993, or when he changed the law on direct election in the municipalities, and from There the candidacy of Gianfranco Fini arrived for the Municipality of Rome and “Berlusconi, who was witty, put the hat above, but the phenomenon had started. The Italians were dividing between left and left. It is not thanks to Berlusconi that the right He grew up. ”

“Thanks to Berlusconi the right won the elections, but – observes Donzelli – the birth of Forza Italia was also a brake on the birth of a right of government already then, a brake on the Nation Party”, as is now brothers d ‘ Italy. “It slowed down the times, because the voters of that right area already had to vote.” Finally, Donzelli claims “the historical changes made” “not because the left asked us”, from which “we do not accept licenses of democracy”, “we have no problem to admit that anti -fascism was an essential moment, but the left It must understand that it is not enough to be anti -fascist to be democratic “.

Even the Russian is certain that the right has all the credentials to stay where it has come, always “with head held high”, marks the slogan that appeared on the Fdi posters at the first electoral challenge of the European Challenge immediately after his birth . A slogan that wanted Giorgia Meloni and that “still characterizes us”. For the president of the Senate, however, if it is “true that it was not Berlusconi who cleared the right, because our fathers did it with their example of how to do politics, their behavior and their honesty when the question Moral was the central theme, it is equally true that without Berlusconi we would have already been first party, but he would have won the left “.


Therefore, “we have to look to our past and our present, but also to our future, with your head held high”. And if for Urso with Meloni at Palazzo Chigi “Italy has become the lighthouse that indicates the route to Europe”, for Fabrizio Tatarella now only the last step is missing, “the election of a President of the Republic coming from the Italian right “.


But it is above all to the challenges that the right now has in front of that Fini invites and urges to look at. Starting from the assumption that “those who place themselves on the right does not do so because they want to obtain personal advantages, career or power” but because the ultimate goal of the right has always been ‘love for Italy’ “, explains quoting Almirante .


“We were ready to seize the opportunities that history presented us” and when Tangentopoli overwhelmed the entire system, the right that was outside the buildings had the right business card ‘We are other’ “. But the real turning point arrival ‘in ’93 with the law signs on the municipalities, still recalls Fini, which allows the voter to choose and elected our mayors. And now that the right is in government, “is not in a defense position”, but on the contrary “knows how to affect reforms”, also of the second part of the Constitution, “which does not scandal me”.


He knows how to make “find a precise identity” against the value crisis of the West, without backing down on the ground of rights, starting from civil ones, but including the theme of immigration, “sacred battle but equally sacred the theme of integration”. In short, concludes Fini, “having a nostalgia of An does not make sense, you have to have the courage to dare and risk”.

By Editor

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