On January 31, 2020, the United Kingdom ceased to be officially part of the European Union. Deminting the polls, The 51.9 of the British There were, on June 23, 2016, decided to become independent from Brussels. For the supporters of Brexit, the United Kingdom would be a sovereign nation in charge of its own destiny. For opponents, it would be translated by An isolated and weakened country.
The Guardian newspaper gives the word to Praful Nargund, director of the NGO Good Growth Foundation, which emphasizes in the negative consequences of Brexit.
An output without plan and regret
“The conservatives admit that they took out the United Kingdom from the EU Without a growth planand the consequences are clear: the cost of living is triggered, public services are on their knees and growth looks like a dream of a distant time. ”
The newspaper The Independent It is worth that five years later, “the feeling of public opinion It is changingand many experience a “bregret” (word game that combines Brexit and Regretrepentance) for the decision, especially as The consequences of abandoning the EU are clarified”.
According to Yougov polls, the level of adhesion to Brexit Live its lowest moment: 55% of the British think that their country should return to the European Union (EU), while only 30% He believes that he made the right decision to leave it, after five years from Brexit, according to a survey published on Wednesday.
The conservative sectors think
The feeling is different from the conservative sectors.
The tabloid columnist The Sun Julia Hartley-Brewer says not to regret “Not for a nanosecond” of a decision that filled it with pride. “Because? Because, like most voters in Leave (Leaving the EU), my support for Brexit was first and foremost to restore democratic responsibility, regardless of the economic benefits we could obtain. ”
“No one should be able to dictate norms and laws that govern our lives if they are not democratically responsible to the British people and cannot be expelled when it is wrong,” he justifies.
In another conservative newspaper, The TelegraphThey recognize that “things have not been perfect in recent years.”
Columnist David Frost asks to remember however what he considers the humiliations and injustices lived by London In his deal with the EU, and points out that now “it’s our mess.”
“Now we have the freedom to solve these problems ourselves. We do not have to run to Brussels to ask permission to change VAT, establish frank ports, change our agriculture aid system, reach new trade agreements, make foreign policy treatment with our old allies, such as Aukus (between Australia, Kingdom United and the United States) “lists.
And follow: “Change our norms on genetic edition or clinical medical trials, alter our provisions on animal welfare, cut tariffs on things that we do not produce ourselves, protect the environment in our underwear, change our rules on driving permits, size, the size of trucks or car insurance costs, and much more.
The political class did not comply with its promises
Another optics defended by those who promoted Brexit is that The political class did not meet the promises that led to out of the EU.
The Financial Times Economic Gazette takes stock of the Lustro of Brexit and, in the political aspect, underlines: “Brexit was sold during the 2016 referendum campaign as the means by which the United Kingdom ‘would recover control’ of its borders , braking both legal and illegal immigration. However, both shot after 2020, which fed the accusations of betrayal of the political right and contributed to promote support for the party Reform UK Nigel Farage, who has recently matched Labor and Conservatives in the surveys. ”
This is another of the consequences of Brexit, The right -wing populist Faragewho The “Leave” promoted from Ukipcapitalized the discontent of those who estimated that the error was not gone too far in patriotism, but, on the contrary, stay halfway.
This fragmentation It is another of the legacies of the Brexit debate; A party In three fields: Labor, conservatives and nationalist populists.