The victims of Almasri in Meloni: "Stop the agreements with Libya"

An arm wrestling that has lasted for days, that between majority and opposition, at the end of which a information on the Almasri case actually “was there”. To keep it, in the Chamber of Deputies, however, it was not the premier Giorgia Meloni – how the oppositions ask – but four of the victims of what the international criminal court recognized to be a torturer and a murderer. Dail- Now, Madaigo, Yagstra are Cobsalthree boys from South Sudan imprisoned until five years ago in the Mittiga concentration camp. In a press conference participated in the inverting, with the conference room of Montecitorio overflowing of journalists and parliamentarians, the three victims of Almasri told who truly the Libyan repatriated by the government after its arrest and what the criminal system that governs the fields in Libya. Almasri, from the story, turns out to be the head of the militias that supervise the concentration camp. So much so that when Lam is captured after an attempt to escape, it is Almasri who call to decide what to do with the fugitives.

He came to us with the gun in hand and told us that he would kill us “. Lam and his companions were sure of his end. But five days of torture pass, always waiting for the coup de grace, which in the end does not arrive. Lam says he still dreams of his tormentor and having “fantasized, while I was in Mittiga, of how my life would have been if I had arrived in Italy, in a country where rights and justice are guaranteed to everyone. The disappointment is been scorching “. Disappointment for the choice of the government to free Almasri. “A shock”, David Yambio defines it. “Meloni says he is a mother and Christian: I ask her how she can make herself an accomplice of a criminal,” adds Lam.


The exponents of the oppositions are present in the Montecitorio room, including the leaders of the Green and Left alliance, Nicola Fratoianni and Angelo Bonelli, and the secretary dem, Elly Schlein. There is Maria Elena Boschi and Riccardo Magi, together with Vittoria Baldino of the M5S. Together, after the press conference, they meet in a corridor of the building. Just a few minutes to agree on the line of a joint press release. “Today there was a information on the Almasri case. And it was a bath of truth, as it lasts, as happens when the stories of people in flesh and blood break on the scene”, write the oppositions referring to the information that awaited aside of the premier Giorgia Meloni, of the Minister of Justice Carlo Nordio and that of the interior Matteo planted. “But it was not the Meloni government that would have been right and necessary and how we continue to ask”, they add: “The information made David Yambio, Lam Mago and Mahamat Daou, victims of Almasri. They gave us four letters addressed to Giorgia Meloni, Carlo Nordio, Matteo Plantedosi and Alfredo Mantovano asking us to deliver them. We are committed to doing it together “.

In the letter, Almasri’s victims ask the government “The immediate termination of all agreements between Italy and Libya which allow abuse of migrants. A public commitment to ask for the release of all those who are still imprisoned in Mitiga and other detention centers in Libya. An official explanation of because Almasri, which your own government has defined dangerous, was issued instead of being delivered to the international criminal court. A legal path for migrants trapped in Libyan detention centers, including the reopening of the Italian Embassy in Tripoli for obtaining humanitarian visas “.

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