“I don’t often look at the polls. Not because they are not important, but because I think the best way to get confidence is work every day with seriousness and determination. However, it is difficult not to notice a data: despite the free daily attacks and attempts to destabilize the government, the support of the Italians remains solid. ” Premier Giorgia Meloni accompanying the post with an image of the Supermedia Youtrend/Aga survey of 30 January in which Brothers of Italy is 30.1% of the consents, +0.5% compared to January 16.
“For me, this means only one thing: that – observes the premier and leader of Fdi – the work we are doing to defend the national interest, creating opportunities for our companies and strengthening our nation is the right one. Thanks for the trust.
What do other parties do
The good time for Fdi continues that this week in the supermedia exceeds 30%, which had not happened for almost two years, that is, before the Cutro massacre of March 2023. Waiting to measure the impact of the developments of this week of the Almasri case case , it is to be recorded that the Democratic Party and the oppositions also earn ground.
In detail, the Lista supermedia:
FdI 30,1 (+0,5)
PD 23,7 (+0,5)
M5S 11,0 (-0,1)
Forza Italia 9,3 (-0.2)
Lega 8,7 (+0,2)
Green/Left 6.2 (=)
Action 2,7 (-0.2)
Italy Viva 2,5 (+0.3)
+Europa 1,8 (-0,2)
We moderate 1.2 (+0.3).
This, however, the Coalition supermedia 2022:
Center -right 49.3 (+0.8)
Center -left 31.7 (+0.4)
M5S 11,0 (-0,1)
Third Pole 5.2 (+0.1)