Belgium is given government for the first time by right N-VA

Belgium is given a government led by the right party N-VA for the first time. According to the Belgian news agency Belga, the migration -critical Flemish nationalists with four other parties were able to agree on the formation of a coalition. Bart de Wever, head of government, is to become the N-VA chairwoman.

In the parliamentary election on June 9th was de Wevers New Flemish Allianz (N-VA) The strongest force has become, followed by the right -wing extremist Flemish party in Vlaam’s concern, which was, however, excluded from the talks on the formation of government. De Wever wants to form a so-called Arizona coalition with conservative and liberals from Wallonia and Flanders as well as with the Flemish socialists.

At the end of August, de Wever had resigned the negotiation mandate for the first time due to persistent disputes among the parties. However, after a short intermezzo, he was commissioned by King Philippe again.

Government forms in Belgium difficult

Government formations are traditionally difficult in Belgium. The federal parliament is shattered because most parties do not compete nationwide, but only in the French -speaking south, in the Dutch -speaking north or in the Brussels City region. The record in Belgium is 541 days without government in 2010 and 2011.

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