From the Almasri case to the data on growth, up to the sentence of the Court of Appeal on migrants brought to the centers in Albania. Oppositions attack Giorgia Meloni and its government team all over. The premier responds with a post in which he refers to the surcharges of supermedia YouTrend/Agi who give brothers of Italy to 30.1% of the consents, +0.5% compared to January 16: “It is difficult not to notice a data: Despite the free daily attacks and attempts to destabilize the government, the support of the Italians remains solid “, writes Meloni.
The main match remains the repatriation of the Libyan trafficker and the request to the premier to report to Parliament. A request also fueled by a suspicion that circulates insistently among the oppositions: that is, that the government to choose for repatriation would have been the threat of Libyan traffickers to let hundreds of thousands of migrants start at the time of the Italian coasts.
A suspicion that, for Francesco Silvestri of the M5S, is confirmed in the words of Massimiliano Romeo, group leader of the League in the Senate. “For the good of the country, given our cities, the situation of now, the social tensions that are there, the technical and logistical impossibility of managing them, in your opinion was it better to get 500 thousand immigrants with all the problems of the country? “, It was the words of Romeo to straight and reverse, broadcast broadcast on Rete4, to whom the exponent of most Europe, Benedetto della widow was also present:” You got into the hands of the criminals “.
For the M5S exponent, “Romeo has finally admitted to a television broadcast last night that the liberation of the rapist of children and trafficker to be human, Almasri, took place because this character put the Meloni government under blackmail”. To ask for clarifications on this point is the dem Andrea Orlando: “The minister planted said that that choice corresponds to the interest of the country’s national security. In my opinion, attention must be paid at this point”, underlines Orlando. “What is meant by the country’s national security, what are the interests that this choice wants to protect?”, Observes.
A story with which “Meloni dishonored and stained the Italian tricolor”, says Matteo Renzi, protagonist of a clash in the clash with Bruno Vespa, who ended up under the headlights of the oppositions for what is called “a harangue in defense of the government”, in which the journalist brought Renzi himself on stake.
“What a bad fine Vespa,” says the leader of Italy Viva, “he ended up being a spokesman for the brothers of Italy”. The passage that most interests the former premier, however, is that made by Vespa about the “dirty things” that previous governments would have done, including the liberation of Italian technicians while Renzi was in office at Palazzo Chigi: “As for the kidnapping Of the Italian technicians, released by the Renzi government, we are pleased that Vespa claims to have information that is covered by state secret.
A story, that of Libyan, which for the opposition is used by the premier as a curtain of smoke to cover the government’s difficulties on public accounts and growth. It is the President of the Senators Pd, Francesco Boccia, who took into account: “The government had said in the Nadef of 2023 that in 2024 Italy would grew on 1.3, then, in the PSB, had corrected to 0.9. Yesterday the bitter reality: Italy in 2024 grew only by 0.5% of the GDP. Right, but perhaps it is she who must notice where Italy is bringing. ”
Finally, the last front is that of migrants, reopened by the decision of the judges of the Court of Appeal of Rome to suspend the judgment of validation of the detention of the 43 migrants brought last Friday in Albania and which, by virtue of the sentence, will fall In Italy already tomorrow. For the secretary Pd, Elly Schlein, is the certification of Giorgia Meloni’s “sensational failure”.
A judgment that the secretary shares with Angelo Bonelli of Avs, who asks that Meloni shows up in the courtroom to explain also on this, and Nicola Fratoianni for which it is yet another “fool” of Meloni. To defend the premier and the choices of the government are the representatives of the majority who speak of “yet another invasion of the field of the judges”, as Davide Crippa of the League does, and of “pieces of judiciary that hinder the action of the government”, as pointed out Fdi’s group leader in the Chamber, Galeazzo Bignami. Finally, for Maurizio Gasparri, president of the FI group in the Senate, “continues the boycott work of the Italian judiciary to security policies to counter illegal immigration”.