“We are on the themes”. A mantra, that of Elly Schlein, who accompanies the other of the “stubbornly unitary”. The two things, on the other hand, go together and the leader of the Democratic Party is willing to try it already tomorrow with the start of the twenty stages in the world of the third sector. It begins with Monterotondo, at the gates of Rome, where Schlein has already been, before the administrative of spring 2024, to visit the industrial district and to give a push to the re -election of the mayor Pd.
A tour that responds to at least three needs: re -establishing the threads of the Democratic Party with the territories, especially those of the internal and mountain areas; Collecting suggestions for that “Project for Italy” to which Schlein is working and which, in the hopes of the secretary, should represent the skeleton of the future program for the center -left; Give a shock to the whole of the Democratic Party and the center -left, who returned to screw on the theme of the alliances after the ‘Lodo’ Franceschini: present themselves divided into the elections, as regards the proportional part of the electoral law, and seek agreements with the other opposition forces in majority colleges.
A perspective that has met with some success especially among the Five Stars and in some ‘big’ of the Democratic Party as Goffredo Bettini. The rest of the party, both the majority and the internal minority, remained cold, however. And yesterday Schlein returned to the theme saying: “I continue to insist on this, I am stubbornly unitary because our people ask us in the squares. Before the tactical agreements I am to make a coalition to send this right home”, they were The words spoken by Schlein in the interview with Corrado Formigli: “Let’s give ourselves the coalition first and give ourselves a project, as we did in Umbria. With the other oppositions we have already made common proposals,” added the secretary.
“An itinerary in 20 stages, how many are the Italian regions”, explains Marta Bonafoni, coordinator of the PD secretariat with delegation to the third sector and associations: “We will meet that fundamental fabric of the country, made of social cooperatives, secular and Catholic associations, world of volunteering and active citizenship, which is a precious location of social cohesion “.
An effort to which the activism of those ‘big’ that was talked about. Goffredo Bettini, for example, chooses to announce today, a month later, the event that will see him at the same table with the mayor of Rome, Roberto Gualtieri, with the former minister Andrea Orlando and, above all, with Ernesto Ruffini, That is, the one in whom the hopes of the Cathodems are placed to federate the Catholics inside and around the Democratic Party. Just Bettini was enthusiastic about the idea of running divided and hitting united. A formula that would take away Schlein himself in the attempting to federate the riotous allies, by Giuseppe Conte to Matteo Renzi.
But among the critics towards the ‘praise’ proposed by the former minister, it is underlined that the first effect of this system would be to question the role of federator and, therefore, of the leader of the center -left that the numbers of the PD would assign to Schlein. The memory, in fact, runs to 2018 when Luigi Di Maio and Matteo Salvini found themselves allies and with a government to be formed. To overcome the difficulties in deciding who of the two to be the premier, they opt for the ‘foreign pope’ – or almost – Giuseppe Conte. Schlein and his are aware of this, but above all that it would be complicated to face a campaign by explaining to the voters that, while there is a compact coalition led by a strong leader in the consents, the center -left field reserves the right to decide after the vote the alliance and the or the Prime Minister.