NCRI: Iran conducts nuclear developments under the guise of a space program

The “National Council of Resistance of Iran, NCRI), based in Paris, published a report that claims that the secret agency in the Iranian Ministry of Defense, activated work on the creation of nuclear warheads on objects in Shahruda and Semnana .

We are talking about the so -called “organization of defense innovations and research of Iran,” one of the divisions of the Ministry of Defense of the Islamic Republic.

In particular, the report states that the QAEM-100 launch vehicle, which Iranians used on September 14, 2024 to launch the Chamran-1 research satellite, is able to carry a nuclear warhead. Tegeran was officially stated that the launch of a satellite weighing 60 kg was experimental in order to test hardware and software systems intended for orbital maneuvering.

The report is also mentioned in Semnan, where Simorgh missiles operating on a liquid engine are tested and capable of taking heavy satellites into near -Earth orbit. NCRI pay attention to the fact that these missiles can be adapted for delivery of nuclear charges.

Iran’s authorities repeatedly argued that nuclear and space developments for military purposes in the Islamic Republic are not conducted.

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