The Ministers of Foreign Affairs of Venezuela and Brazil, Yván Gil and Mauro Vieira, respectively, ratified the “bonds of friendship and mutual respect” among their countries during a meeting held at the XV Meeting of Foreign Ministers of the Amazonian Cooperation Treaty Organization (OTCA), which is being held in Suriname, said on Monday (3) a representative of the socialist regime of Caracas.
“This meeting has allowed us to reaffirm our bonds of friendship and mutual respect for the sovereignty of our peoples,” said Chancellor Chavista Gil through his channel on Telegram.
According to OTCA – formed by Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, Guyana, Peru, Suriname and Venezuela – the Chancelers Meeting aims to “strengthen regional cooperation and advance on the Amazon conservation and sustainable development agenda.”
In another publication on Telegram, Gil stressed that the organization’s meeting is “fundamental to address regional cooperation for the conservation and sustainable development of the Amazon, a vital resource for humanity.”
He also explained that Venezuela is presenting its plan of “ecological transformation” to “reorganize production and capitalist consumption”, with the goal – added – to “effectively face” the climate crisis.
The meeting between the chancelors took place after the exchange of statements between Caracas and Brasilia, after the government of President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva did not recognize the illegitimate reelection of dictator Nicolás Maduro, who frauddated the elections disputed on July 28 last year, won from Fact, according to minutes collected by volunteers in electoral zones, by opponent Edmundo González, currently exiled after being a victim of political persecution.
Last week, Maduro, who was sworn in by Parliament Chavista on January 10, when he prevented the opponent of opponent González in the country and even kidnapped leader María Corina Machado, denied that there is a “crisis with Brazil”, but yes which he called “disagreement” between the chancels of both nations.
Lula, along with the leaders of Mexico and Colombia, tried to mediate the post-election crisis and appealed to the Venezuelan authorities to publish the electoral minutes of the Chavista National Electoral Council (CNE), a request that was ignored. The disclosure of minutes by the CNE is in the Venezuelan law, which was also ignored. To date, the CNE continues without disclosing its minutes that gave Maduro victory in the presidential election.
After the inauguration of Maduro, Lula and France President Emmanuel Macron asked the Venezuelan leader to resume dialogue with opposition to make the return of democracy and stability possible in the country.