Government today in the classroom on Almasri. But for oppositions they accuse the premier

In the end the government will report to Parliament. After a week of tensions, accusations and counterattacks between oppositions and majority, the advertisement via social information received and the cancellation of the initial information, the executive today will be in the classroom, first in the Chamber (at 12.15) and then to the Senate (at 15.30)to clarify the story of the arrest and the subsequent liberation of the Libyan commander Almasri, on which an international request for arrest for war crimes issued by the criminal court of The Hague is burdened.

The ministers of the interior and justice will be, Matteo planted and Carlo Nordio (the same indicated a week ago) to reconstruct the facts and explain the reasons that determined the decision to repatriate the Libyan on board in a state flight. Yet, on the eve of the information, the controversy does not subside: the oppositions return to accuse the premier Giorgia Meloni of escaping and not telling the truth. And to aggravate an already tense climate we also put the non -authorization to broadcast on the Rai live on Rai the information that the two ministers will make to the Chamber. Due to the niet of a majority group (there are those who attribute the responsibility of the ‘no’ to fi, who to Fdi).

The fact is that the minority forces arise. Shortly thereafter, in the Senate, the authorization to live TV is granted (“it will be the least view of the history of history”, Ironizes Maurizio Gasparri) and so all the group leaders of the oppositions to Montecitorio write to President Fontana to ‘heal’ what they call an injustice. “We believe that there are no plausible motivations for different methods of parliamentary debate between the two chambers, especially with reference to a story so serious and relevant for the country,” they say in the letter. It will be up to Fontana Educating the question, but the president cannot decide on arbitrary: by regulation, in fact, unanimity is needed in the conference of the group leaders for the live TV. Unanimity that has not been achieved. Therefore, now a sort of Moral Suasion could be implemented to convince to change positions who, in the majority, had previously been said against.

Beyond the regulation and the reasons that led the ‘no’ to the TV resumption in the Chamber, the wall of the oppositions, which return to point the finger against the Prime Minister, remains: “Meloni runs away and hides behind his own ministers “, thunders the M5S group leader Riccardo Ricciardi. “Meloni continues to escape from Parliament”, it increases the President of the Deputies Pd Chiara Braga. Press the Parent Davide Pharaoh: “What is not explained is why the two ministers can come, while the Prime Minister no, and above all because last week they could not report in Parliament while this week they ‘”. The government instead of Meloni “Send Nordio and planted, did the minimum, but we had to fight a week to have them”, explains the Avs Parent Company Luana Zanella.

And the Secretary of Most Europe Riccardo Magi Chiosa: “President Meloni escapes and the majority is opposed to broadcast the government’s information on television. But what are they afraid of?”. For Matteo RenziFinally, “they are making fun of us, Meloni thinks they can always tell Balle to everyone”. The truth, for the leader IV, is that “Meloni got scrapped and repatriated Almasri. He is courageous only when he has to go to Instagram”.

Sharp Giuseppe Conte: “It is the Prime Minister who has to come to the courtroom. She must come to a woman, as a mother, from Cristiana to explain why she has put on a state flight with all the honors and repatriated a criminal accused of rapes on children. This Government is a national and international shame “. Accusations that are firmly rejected by the government. First, it makes it clear the Ministro Ciriani, “The government does not run away, it does not run away from Parliament”, but “only a small temporal suspension was needed due to the need to deepen what had happened, a sensational fact”, or the guarantee information. “There was no trial will to postpone indefinitely, but the will to respond to Parliament”. Secondly, Ciriani explains that Nordio and planted are more than enough to report in the courtroom, no premier escape. “Meloni believed that the two ministers were absolutely adequate,” marks the owner of relations with Parliament. “There will be two very important ministers, I think they are able to provide adequate and informed answers to everything that the opposition forces have asked. The two ministers are able to guarantee maximum information,” he assures.

At the end of the day, yes unlocks the impasse on the live television: After the letter of the opposition to the president of Montecitorio to ask that the live TV is also granted to the Chamber, as established in the Senate, President Fontana carried out an interlocution with the groups that led to the green light to the television recovery on the Rai of Nordio and planted information, starting from 12.15.

By Editor