AfD posters in circulation financed by ex-FPÖ party functionary

Former FPÖ state managing director in Vorarlberg – Gerhard Dingler, according to its own statements, provides 6,400 posters.

After the millions of donations in kind Former FPÖ state managing director in Vorarlberg For the right -wing populist German AfD are the commissioned by him Election posters For the Bundestag election on February 23 in Germany.

The large posters kept in several cities appeared. An AfD spokesman confirmed to the dpa that the posters were part of Gerhard Dingler’s donation in kind.

“Mr. Dingler independently agreed this campaign with an external service provider from North Rhine-Westphalia and informed us in advance by email,” was announced.

Union, SPD and Greens are attacked on the posters in migration, energy or economic policy and the AfD is recommended as a “bourgeois alternative”. The posters can be seen across Germany, as the AfD announced.

Large donation of 2.35 million euros

The German Bundestag recently published a donation of Dingler in the amount of almost 2.35 million euros after receipt of a corresponding message from the AfD. WDR and NDR reported a donation in kind in the form of 6,395 posters. Dingler also recently said that he would provide the party 6,400 election posters for the election on February 23. The donation comes from his private assets.

As a motivation for his support of the AfD classified in parts as right-wing extremist, Dingler said that he was very concerned about a further escalation of the Ukraine War. The only party that, in his opinion, credible in Germany, is the AfD. Dingler made the state management of Vorarlberg Freiheitlich in 2016.

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