Marini-Luciani-Sandulli-Cassinelli: the four names of the intended on the Consulta

Massimo Luciani, Francesco Saverio Marini, Maria Alessandra Sandulli and Roberto Cassinelli are the four names indicated to all the parliamentary groups of the Chamber and Senate, of majority and opposition, to be voted on the card after the agreement reached that unlocked the impasse who had long lasted on the election of the judges of the Constitutional Court.


The agreement was necessary as the majority of three fifths.


Who am I?

Francesco Saverio Marini, legal councilor of Palazzo Chigi is ‘father’ of the constitutional reform on the premiererate (indicated by Fdi); Massimo Luciani, emeritus professor of public law of the La Sapienza University of Rome (at an opposition, indicated by the PD); Maria Alessandra Sandulli, jurist and full professor in Rome Tre, whose name already in 2014 ended up in the squad of possible candidates for the Consulta (‘technical’ name identified by the mutual agreement between majority and oppositions); Roberto Cassinelli, former parliamentarian and lawyer (name indicated by Forza Italia).

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