Myanmar rebels are about to deport 10,000 fraudulent people

Myanmar rebels BGF announced the expulsion of 10,000 people involved in fraudulent centers in the area they controlled to Thailand.

“We have announced we will erase all fraud from our area. We are doing that and have made a list, preparing to transfer about 10,000 people to Thailand,” the spokesman for the Myanmar rebel group spokesman Border Guard Karen (BGF) Naing Maung Zaw said on February 15.

Zaw said BGF brought 61 people across the border bridge to Thailand and prepared every day to hand over about 500 people, including many nationality.

According to Thai media, the number of tasks responsible for the country’s border security in Tak province in collaboration with BGF to receive 7,000 people from fraudulent labels.


The group of people working at the Cheating Center and victims in Shwe Kokko, Myawaddy Town, Myanmar, February 14. Image: AFP

BGF members previously patrolled complexes in Shwe Kokko, Myawaddy, east of Myanmar, in the campaign to suppress human trafficking.

Shwe Kokko has become the gathering of scammers, with large complexes in the middle of the fields. This area is within the control of the BGF rebel group in Karen.

The online lair often seduces victims around the world with a promise of high -income work, but then forced them to hostage and forced them to participate in a fraud line or were strictly punished.

Karen Democratic Buddhist Army Group (DKBA) last week also sent ultimatum to Chinese tycoons to run a series of online fraudulent centers, casinos must leave the town of Phayathonezu, Bang Kayin, bordering Thai people, before February 28.

The Thai government also coordinated closely in the fight against fraudulent centers, calling this “national security issue”. The government of this country at the beginning of the month reduces the power supply for 5 areas bordering Myanmar, which is considered a lair of fraudulent criminals. However, many groups still operate due to generators.

By Editor

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