“In Europe, at this moment, there are many rights. The Italian one, and I believe that everyone should give act, manages to maintain a position of balance and full adhesion to democratic values. Let me say that Those who invented our center -right thirty years ago had seen us long … Today we live a very difficult historical phase and the role of Giorgia Meloni is decidedly complex: I am convinced that you deserve esteem and respect for what she is doing. “Marina Berlusconi says it in an interview published by” Il Foglio “.
“Unfortunately – adds the president of Fininvest and the Mondadori group – the situation appears very different in other countries where the most radical movements are strengthening: in some cases they even dictate the agenda of the most moderate forces. Europe must wake up. Too often belonging to the Union is still lived as a transfer of sovereignty, as if more Europe meant less Italy, less Germany, less France … just see those movements that on the one hand proclaim to want to make Europe great e On the other hand they preach the motto of less Europe and more sovereignty. But exactly the opposite is worth, because – he underlines – true sovereignty is to know how to better respond to the needs of citizens and there can be no sovereignty in solitude, today less than ever. I think of the common defense, the common foreign policy, the common debt, the single capital market: all cases in which union makes strength “.
In the interview granted to the director of “Il Foglio”, Claudio Cerasa, Marina Berlusconi has also returned to talk about issues related to the sphere of rights, from gay marriages to surrogate motherhood, from the end of life to citizenship for those born in Italy. “I’m in favor of gay weddings. Look If there is someone who gives value to the family, well it’s me. Having a united and solid family has always been the main objective of my life. Precisely for this reason, I am convinced that the family cannot be caged in standard patterns and models, but everyone must have the right to create their own together with the person he loves “.
“Other speech – then remarks the president of the Mondadori group – is that of surrogate maternity, on which I find myself contrary: Something intimate and deep like motherhood cannot be transformed into a commodification of the female body. As for the assisted suicide, I think that those who are afflicted by an incurable and painful disease must have the right to end its existence with dignity, Obviously on the basis of a decision taken in total freedom and awareness. Lastly, I kept the topic of citizenship for those born in Italy because on this theme I think a lot of graduality is needed: too drastic and ideological positions only generate excesses in the opposite direction. Small steps are needed, with the aim of reasonable integrationwithout pretending to change the world in the space of one night, otherwise the pendulum syndrome would hit again “, concludes Marina Berlusconi.